Book a Visit

Welcome to The Nordic House. We accept group visits by request. Visits by schools and kindergartens are free of charge. More information available from The Nordic House Mediator of Arts and Culture: Hrafnhildur Gissurardóttir / / 551 7061.

Summer Concerts: Hera (IS)

Hera is a singer/songwriter who has reached notable success both in Iceland and abroad, and her latest self-titled album won the hearts of both listeners and reviewers in Iceland last year. Hera’s performance will be of the kind she enjoys best, with a guitar in hand and stories to tell. This will be Hera’s last […]

Norsk litteraturkveld

Tirsdag 25. mai blir du invitert til en norsk litteraturkveld i Nordens hus, med Vigdis Hjorth og den norske ambassaden på Island. Arrangementet finner sted i auditoriet der den norske ambassaden tilbyr deltakerne forfriskninger.   Arrangementsprogram: 20:00 Aud Lise Norheim, Norges ambassadør på Island, ønsker alle velkommen. 20:10 Vigdis Hjorth, forfatter, blir med online, for […]

iucollect al fresco

During DesignMarch 2021 iucollect will create four scenarios around the city of Reykjavík. Each of the scenarios celebrates the long-awaited interaction with the audience, the wonders of the different sites in an urban setting with a landscape backdrop. CONCEPT The concept of iucollect al fresco seeks to engage the audience and each object with nature by creating […]

DesignMarch 19th to 23rd of May

The Nordic House participates in DesignMarch 19th to 23rd of May. This year the focus will be on an environmentally friendly design that departs from the present and heads towards new ways of thinking. Amongst topics dealt with in the exhibition are sustainable architecture, utilization of invasive plants, and circular design. Moreover, the designers shed […]

Knowing The Ropes

Knowing the Ropes is an interdisciplinary project that looks at the Rope within a contemporary Scandinavian framework. The project centres around two rope production facilities; Hampiðjan in Reykjavik, and Aarhus Possementfabrik. Producing ropes for two different worlds:The Drawing Room and the Sea. The cultural site of Knowing the Ropes is located between these two worlds; […]


In the project Transition, patterns, material, methods and process is allowed to take the lead. Hanna Dís shows an insight into the journey of patterns travelling between materials and the transition that take place within it. In the experimental project Transition, patterns are allowed to shape objects and furniture. Each pattern allows for many different […]


Making New Land is a series of artefacts in glass, wood and aluminium based on the study of sand and the erosion of the coastlines due to Climate Change.   Participants Thomas Pausz

Disaster Studios: Designing Resilience

Disaster Studios explores the co-creation between disaster risk research and design to increase resilience to extreme events. The exhibition introduces the self-hosted server and energy-conscious website and launches the project. Designing Resilience Both design and disaster risk management are agents of transformation, set out to identify, understand and change systems for the better. Disaster Studios […]

ARKITÝPA : Circular design lab

ARKITÝPA : Circular design lab. Experiments in materials and forms in a playful installation. Prototypes and work in progress. Innovative design and re-used materials from various industries come together in the work of ARKITÝPA. ARKITÝPA is the playful collaboration of two architects, Ástríður Birna Árnadóttir and Karitas Möller. ARKITÝPA designs sculptural elements, focusing on the […]

Arfisti – Cow parsley utilization

Arfisti´s experimental workshop on the utilization of the country’s most hated plant for food, packaging, paper and more.+ Cow parsley – utilization Here Arfisti tackles the challenge of finding uses for cow parsley, which is classified as an alien invasive species that most people hate. Preliminary research on the plant shows that it is very […]

Housing Wealth – a conversation on housing

HOUSING WEALTH is a conversation on housing based on architectural and economic research in the context of residential development in Iceland. The emphasis is on quality in design and creating housing wealth for those who live in no less than those who build and finance residential projects. (Online event in Icelandic) Samtal um húsnæðismál, spunnið […]

Koka björn

Mikael Niemi: Koka björn

Novel (Swedish and Faroese) Mikael Niemi: Koka björn, 2017 It is the summer of 1852 in the small village Kengis in the northernmost part of Sweden. The Sami boy Jussi and his mentor, the local priest, investigate a gruesome murder and while most think the unfortunate victim was killed by a bear, Jussi and the […]

Baltics in the limelight: Children and building bridges

English, translated from Swedish: During the spring and early summer, the Nordic House celebrates Baltic Children‘s Culture Festival in collaboration with the annual children’s culture festival in Reykjavík. The program is diverse and has been planned in collaboration with the Lithuanian and Latvian schools and creative individuals from the Baltics. Certain events are aimed directly […]

Nordens hus i Reykjavik söker praktikanter

Som praktikant i Nordens hus är du en del av ett dynamiskt team, som arbetar med kulturutbyte mellan Island, Norden och de baltiska länderna i form av samarbetsprojekt med kulturinstitutioner, konstnärer och forskare i hela regionen. Nordens hus har en bred verksamhet och arrangerar kontinuerligt utställningar, evenemang, konferenser och festivaler med inriktning på nordisk konst, kultur […]


For further information about bookings you can email booking office is open Tuesday- Friday from 10am – 12pm.  Let’s meet at the Nordic House! The Nordic House  offers a unique setting for meetings and events, concerts, and conferences. We value personal service and strive to meet all our customers’ needs. Please fill out our rental […]

Conversations about literature – get inspired!

Literature can be fantastic at putting words to grief, meeting it, going through it and living on with it. The librarians at The Nordic House invite you to an afternoon meeting focusing on good and inspiring Nordic books about the price of love: the grief that we all experience along the way in life. The […]

Finnish Story Time

Welcome to a Finnish story hour for children at the Nordic House Children’s Library.   We will read from books, play, sing and encourage the children to play and interact in Finnish. The story hour is recommended for children age 2-10, but everyone that understands Finnish is welcome to join us. This is a free […]

Icelandic Story Time

Welcome to sögustund in Icelandic for children at the Nordic House Childrens Library.   We will read from books and encourage the children to play and interact in Icelandic. The story hour is recommended for children age 2-10, but everyone that understands Icelandic is welcome to join us.   This is a free event for […]

Danish Story Time

Welcome to sögustund in Danish for children at the Nordic House Childrens Library.   We will read from books and encourage the children to play and interact in Danish. The story hour is recommended for children age 2-10, but everyone that understands Norwegian is welcome to join us.   This is a free event for […]

Swedish Story Time

Welcome to a Swedish story hour for children at the Nordic House Children’s Library.   We will read from Swedish books, sing and encourage the children to play and interact in Swedish. The story hour is recommended for children age 2-10, but everyone that understands Swedish is welcome to join us.   This is a […]

Glove Troll defeated the Sock Monster

Baltic Children´s Culture Festival: Glove Troll defeated the Sock Monster Workshop for 5 – 10 year olds. Artist Jurgita Motiejunaite begins the workshop by telling stories of horrible figures and monsters in Lithuanian folk tales. In the workshop children will learn how to make sock dolls and are encouraged to create their own stories about […]

Tour de chambre

Tine Høeg: Tour de chambre

Novel (Danish) Tine Høeg: Tour de chambre, 2020 The author does not use much punctuation in this novel either but leaves line breaks and short sentences as images of thoughts and conversations about life seen through the young writer Asta who lives in college and dates hopeless guys while she is reluctantly fascinated by and […]

SÓNÓ Restaurant

Sónó is a vegetarian restaurant and catering that dances to the rhythm of the seasons with local Icelandic herbs and seductive spices of the middle-east. The presentation has its roots in Meze as is known throughout the middle-east, the Balkans, North Africa, and Greece. More info at and Facebook. Opening hours

Growing project of W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland

W.O.M.E.N or Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland will be growing the garden in the Nordic House this summer. Growing things in Iceland can be a real challenge. So, we have asked an expert horticulturist to guide us in the process. Jóhanna Borghildur Magnúsdóttir will teach us all about indoor sowing, planting and fertilization. […]

Baltic Countries’ Children’s Culture Festival

Baltic Countires’ Children’s Culture festival will be held in the Nordic house April 20 to June 14. The Nordic house celebrates children’s culture by presenting Baltic culture in a creative way in collaboration with people with background from the Baltic countries. During the first week of the festival, school groups will be invited to a […]

The Perspectives of Art

Translated from Swedish Since its establishment in 1968, the Nordic House has been a central Nordic platform for art, culture, language and public debate in Iceland. We strive to fulfill the Nordic prime ministers’ vision for 2030 that the Nordic region will become the world’s most sustainable and integrated region. In recent years, we have […]

Gennem glasvæggen

Henning Jensen

Novel (Danish) Henning Jensen: Gennem glasvæggen, 2020 The well-known and award-winning actor openly and honestly showcases the darkest and most life-changing experiences of his life: as a 36-year-old, successful but overworked royal actor, he steps through the glass wall of the real world towards the abyss of the mind, while a year of turbulent descent […]

Nature in Transition – Shifting Identities

NATURE IN TRANSITION – SHIFTING IDENTITES Í síkvikri mótun: vitund og náttúra Kinaassuseq allanngujasoq – pinngortitaq allanngorartoq Flydende identitet, natur i omformning Flótandi samleiki, náttúra í broyting Nature in transition – Shifting identities Opening 17 April, 2021. Exhibition program The exhibition Nature in Transition – Shifting Identities offers a glimpse into the experiences, reflections and […]

Meter i sekundet

Stine Pilgaard: Meter i sekundet

Novel (Danish)  Stine Pilgaard: Meter i sekundet, 2020  An entertaining story about a young woman and new mother who, as an appendix to her folk high school teacher-boyfriend in a small Jutland town, is challenged and subtly provoked by the province, its forms of conversation, and habits. The modern big city woman feels overlooked and leftover […]

Nordic Music Night: Tue West (DK) and GDRN (IS)

  The concert marks the end of a week of events held to celebrate the Nordic Day 23 March. As a way to honour Nordic culture and music, we are hosting a streamed concert with two Nordic musicians living in Iceland: Tue West (DK) who sings mostly in Danish and GDRN (IS) who sings in […]

Opin og aðgengileg Norðurlönd

Gleðilegan Dag Norðurlanda! Í ár höldum við upp á 50 ára afmæli Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar. Frá upphafi hefur Norræna ráðherranefndin haft það markmið að allir skuli eiga þess kost að taka þátt í norrænu samstarfi. Í nýju samstarfsáætlun ráðherranefndarinnar í menningarmálum fyrir tímabilið 2021-2024 er markmiðið eftirfarandi: lista- og menningarstarf sem er aðgengilegt öllum á Norðurlöndum […]

Icelandic Arctic Talks III: Biotechnology and Innovation

This event focuses on the re-utilization of marine resources in the Arctic with a focus on the concept of “waste to value.” Innovators have found ways to use byproducts of the fishing industry in products that range from advanced biotechnology to nutrition, clothing and cosmetics. Sea resources are crucial in the Arctic, and tissues such […]

SONO Matseljur

SONO Catering will have a pop-up kitchen at MATR during the weekends. SONO Catering is a vegetarian restaurant and foodservice that creates a food experience with in-season ingredients, local herbs, and spices from the Middle East. The menu variates slightly between weekends due to seasonal ingredients. To find older menus and further information go to […]

Indtil vanvid, indtil døden

Kirsten Thorup: Indtil vanvid, indtil døden

Novel (Danish) Kirsten Thorup: Indtil vanvid, indtil døden, 2020 A gruesome story of the encounter with madness and death under very special fanatic conditions. Danish Harriet leaves her two small children in Denmark in 1942 to seek relief from her grief as a widow when her husband is shot down over the Eastern Front in […]

Nordic Day: The value of culture in the Nordic Region in periods of crisis – Nordic cultural co-operation in the past, present and future

What role has culture played in Nordic co-operation since the Council of Ministers was established fifty years ago? What impact has COVID-19 had on cultural life in the Nordic Region? What role will culture play in the Nordic co-operation of the future? Politicians, people from the region, and representatives of cultural life will discuss these […]


Iben Mondrup: Tabita

Novel (Danish) Iben Mondrup: Tabita, 2020 Five-year-old Tabita and her younger brother are torn up and adopted by business manager Bertel and his wife in the 1960s when the Danish couple after some years of living Greenland moves back to Denmark. The little Greenlandic girl longs terribly for home and finds only comfort in her […]