Why don’t you just marry (an Icelander)? – Chapter 1.

SEE THE PROGRAM “Why don’t you marry an Icelander?” has become a pervasive response when non-EU citizens recount their troubles navigating the immigration system during studies, post-graduation or when working in Iceland. This ironic question sheds light on the difficulty of attaining a work permit for an independent cultural worker. Working freelance, as most artists […]

Curator talk & guided tour

Curator talk & guided tour through the exhibition ‘Experiment: Eider and Farmer’. 12th May. 16:30 Curators Hildur Steinþórsdóttir & Rúna Thors guide guests through their exhibition Experiment: Eider and Farmer. An artistic research project on a symbiotic relationship between eider and farmer by a group of designers and artists from Denmark, Iceland and Norway. Learning […]


LITERATURE SALON WITH SVERRIR NORLAND AND KARÍTAS HRUNDAR PÁLSDÓTTIR FRIDAY MAY 13TH AT 19.00-20.30 AT THE LIBRARY May 13th at 19.00-20.30: Föreningen Norden Sverige (The Nordic Association Sweden) invites you to a literature salon and talks in the library with the authors Sverrir Norland and Karítas Hrundar Pálsdóttir about Nordic literature and how we can […]

Pavilion by the Birch trees – opens 5th May

The Nordic house opens a SUSTAINABLE AND MULTI FUCTIONAL Pavilion that can provide and facilitate coming events of all kinds. The Pavillion has multi purposes for all kinds of outdoor events related to our inclusive, sustainable, and diverse program. OPENING 5th of may from 14:30-16:00 At the opening DJ Psyaka will play and we will serve bubbles […]

Seminar: Nature-based solutions

What are nature-based solutions? Why are they important and how do they relate to climate change, biodiversity and human welfare? The Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland and the Nordic House will be hosting the event series “In line with Nature: Nature-based Solutions and their Effects in a Wider Context”. The purpose […]

Sunday Story Hour  – Norwegian & Icelandic

Sunday Story Hour  – Norwegian & Icelandic Storyteller is Rán Flygenring. The whole family is welcome to a Norwegian – Icelandic Sunday Story Hour at the Children´s Library at the Nordic house. The artist, illustrator and writer Rán Flygenring reads in Icelandic from the book Birds(Fuglar) that she co-created with Hjörleifur Hjartarson. In Norwegian she […]

Restaurant SÓNÓ now open evenings!

Restaurant SÓNÓ will be open on friday and saturday evenings from now on, with a brand new menu to celebrate spring which is now in full bloom. Sónó’s menu is seasonal and follows the course of the moon with the best available at any given time. They get their ingredients and inspiration to a large […]

SÓNÓ Restaurant – Evening Opening

Restaurant SÓNÓ will be open on friday and saturday evenings from now on, with a brand new menu to celebrate spring which is now in full bloom. Sónó’s menu is seasonal and follows the course of the moon with the best available at any given time. They get their ingredients and inspiration to a large […]

Eider duck & Architecture – Workshop for children

Eider duck & Architecture Workshop for children and young people in connection to an exhibition opening during DesignMarch. Birds of prey, minks, foxes and weather are among things that threaten the eider duck during nesting. Throughout time the eider duck farmers have been creative in their ways to protect the duck during nesting. Scarecrows, flags […]

Pavilion by the Birch Wood

The Nordic house has opened a SUSTAINABLE AND MULTI FUCTIONAL Pavilion that can provide and facilitate coming events of all kinds. The Pavillion has multi purposes for all kinds of outdoor events related to our inclusive, sustainable, and diverse program. The Pavilion provides the Nordic house with ‘a scene’  that exactly creates the facilities for inclusive, […]

Sunday Story Hour – Danish

Nannaelvah reads in Danish the story : Rasmus Klump on the moon by author Carla Hansen. It tells the story when the friends Rasmus, Pingo and Pelle go to the moon in a homemade space ship. She will also read My best friend, Invisible-bjorn by Annette Herzog and Christine Kugler that tells the story of […]

Animal Aura – Family workshop

The whole family is welcome to a free workshop with artist Sean Patrick O’Brien. Sean will lead experiments with artistic pigments on how animals change color in nature. Guests can use pigments that change colors and glow in the dark to mimic light responsive animals. Register by sending email to hrafnhildur@nordichouse.is Sean Patrick O’Brien’s primary […]

Shapes and Shaped – In dialogue with Icelandic nature

Through imprints of lava, basalt stone and sandstone surfaces ceramic artist Þóra Finnsdóttir examines a selection of structures and shapes. Þóra is curious about the unique Icelandic natural elements and has a desire to communicate these specific aspects to other people. By working with and in the Icelandic nature Þóra investigates a feeling of deep […]

MÁL/TÍÐ – Carnal dinner

Multi-sensory edible experiences by Elín Margot and Pola Sutryk, inviting participants to physically interact with food design: “Carnal Dinner” – exploring the relationship between food and sexuality and “Waste Feast” – focusing on reclaiming food waste and celebrating things considered “trash”. MÁL/TÍÐ is a project born in 2021, connecting designers, artists and chefs working on […]

MÁL/TÍÐ – Waste Feast

Welcome to multi-sensory edible experiences by Elín Margot and Pola Sutryk, inviting participants to physically interact with food design: “Carnal Dinner” – exploring the relationship between food and sexuality and “Waste Feast” – focusing on reclaiming food waste and celebrating things considered “trash”. MÁL/TÍÐ is a project born in 2021, connecting designers, artists and chefs […]

How does space sound? Family workshop

Steinunn Eldflaug has traveled around the world and entertained people with space-electronic music under the artist name dj. flugvél og geimskip. She conjures up a strange world with synthesizers, lights, singing and dancing at concerts. The audience is invited on a journey through the vastness of the imagination – wherever you want to be. The […]

Encounters with Animals – Family workshop

Encounters with Animals –  Family workshop Have you ever met an animal in a way you’ll never forget?  Or did you hear an amazing story about an animal? At the workshop guests get the chance to and share stories about animals and animal encounter by drawing comics with the help of professional comics artists from […]

Erik Bryggman – a Nordic architect 1891 -1955

Erik Bryggman was one of the most influential architects of his generation and with his design, together with Alvar Aalto, will have marked the beginning of Functionalism in Finland. He designed a large number of buildings that are considered a cornerstone in the architectural history of the 20th century and have certainly stood the test […]

International day 2022

International cooperation at a crossroads: Where is Iceland heading?  The Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland, The Nordic house and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Association of Political Scientists and the Institute of Public Administration and Politics, invite you to the fifth annual conference on foreign affairs in […]

Female Pioneers & Historic Buildings

Welcome to DesignMarch at the Nordic House! In collaboration with the Icelandic architecture association Arkitektafélag Íslands, we are this year hosting a seminar in two parts titled Female Pioneers & Historic Buildings. A panel of inspiring experts will guide us through the stories of important women on the frontiers of Nordic architecture as well as […]

Experiment – Eider & Farmer

Open Exhibition Program An artistic research project on a symbiotic relationship between eider and farmer by a group of designers and artists from Denmark, Iceland and Norway. Learning from this sustainable but gradually declining nordic heritage, the project gives rise to innovation and production of new artworks. The eider duck and the farmer have a […]

Kutikuti & the Icelandic Comics Society

The Nordic House plays host to a meeting of comic minds on April 20th between 18:00 and 20:00. Comic creators from the Finnish contemporary comics association Kutikuti will showcase their work, mingle with local creators, and members of the Icelandic Comics Society (Íslenska Myndasögusamfélagið). Light refreshments will be served.

Virak Revyen – Workshop !

Virak Revyen is a workshop with Live Art Denmark. Participants learn about many aspects of performing arts and will for example look into the work of Marina Abramovic, Yoko Ono, John Lennon and other well-known and unknown artists. Participants are encouraged to participate, for example by presenting their shoes or singing a song for the group. […]

Nordic House Reykjavik open for internship positions

För hösten 2022 söker vi tre praktikanter inom tre separata program.  Som praktikant i Nordens hus är du en del av ett dynamiskt team, som arbetar med kulturutbyte mellan Island, Norden och de baltiska länderna i form av samarbetsprojekt med kulturinstitutioner, konstnärer och forskare i hela regionen. Nordens hus har en bred verksamhet och arrangerar kontinuerligt […]

Kutikuti: The Hallway Show

The exhibition presents a collection of the printed artworks and originals from six Kutikuti collective members who visit Iceland in April 2022. KUTIKUTI is a non-profit contemporary comics association and artist collective formed in Finland in 2005. The core of Kutikuti consists of ca. fifty members who make, teach, and publish comics. We operate internationally […]

Life in the Universe !

During the Children’s Culture Festival, families and school groups are invited to craft their own spaceship. Those who want to are welcome to attach it to the wall of the exhibition and thereby create and complete the exhibition during the festival. Life in the Universe is based on a story by Zakiya Ajmiand and Sara […]

Children´s Bar by Kidarchy

Barnabarinn or Children´s Bar  – will take over the Nordic House during the weekend 9-10th of april, at Ungi Festival. Barnabarinn is an interactive performance piece where children take control. The kids will mix non alcoholic cocktails, offer haircuts to adults and give adults advice for their everyday issues. Adults will surrender to the younger […]

50 dangerous things !

Have you ever licked on a 9-volt battery? Lifted popcorn lid when they pop? Lit a match and watch till it goes out? Never ever? Then this show is for you! Dangerous theater that tests your limits! The performance is based on the book of the same name by Julie Spielger and Gever Tulley, stage […]

Eggs everywhere !

In Latvia there is a strong tradition of decorating eggs in the month of April, using natural materials such as flowers, leaves and the skin of onions. It is also possible to create patterns with these materials using special methods. Teachers and students of the Latvian School in Reykjavík invite children and their families to […]

Nature inside and out

Lithuanian artist Jurgita Motiejunaite teaches a creative workshop where young guests and their families are invited to paint the nature and surroundings of the Nordic house. The workshop will take place outside the greenhouse (inside if it rains!) but in that area many interesting things can be seen – both a natural landscape and the […]

Everyone can play !

Students from the international department of Háteigsskóli open the Children’s Culture Festival with a mini concert in the entrance of the Nordic house. Last weeks the students have received teaching from the musician Elham Fakouri but most of the students have not had a formal musical training. The aim with the concert is to show […]

Children´s Festival 2022


Dangerous Children´s festival in the Nordic House 5-10th. april.   Everyone can play ! Nature inside and out ! Eggs everywhere ! 50 dangerous things ! Children´s bar by Kidarchy ! Liv in Space Even a Worm will turn    

Sunday story hours – danish

Nannaelvah Prem Bendtsen will read the storyNannaelvah Prem Bendtsen will read the story “Langt ude i rummet” af Mauri Kunnas. Afterwards we invite families to join in on some space related craft. Nannaelvah is cand.mag in history and company humanoira from Copenhagen University, and also a mindfulness instructor by education. She’s worked as a mindfullness […]

The 2022 Nordic Council Children’s Literature Prize

Thirteen Nordic picture books, youth novels, and collections of poetry have been nominated for the 2022 Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize. A playful joy of storytelling, distinctive humour, and melancholy shine through in the nominated works, whilst the many facets of the picture book genre are also widely represented. The winner will […]

Learn about how to apply for Nordic youth grants programmes

The Norden 0-30 and Volt grant programmes fund creative projects for and by children and young people in the Nordic region. This webinar aims at reaching young applicants, aged 30 years and younger, as well as people who are working with children and youth. Learn all you need to know about why and how to […]

Norwegian Story Hour

Matja Steen reads for us in Norwegian. She will dive into her treasure chest of old Norwegian fairy tales and surprise us with the everlasting adventures of good and evil, magic, courage, heroes and heroines. Matja then invites children and their families to get lost in a fantasy world of their own. Inspired by the […]

Swedish Story Hour

Inga Birna Friðjónsdóttir will read from one of her favourite childhood stories No jumping on the bed! by Tedd Arnold. Walter is not allowed to jump on the bed – but he does it anyway. This is a tale about a young boy whose vivid imagination, and love for jumping on his bed, brings him […]

Finnish Story Hour

Welcome to a Finnish story time for children at the Nordic House Children’s Library.   We will read from books and encourage the children to play and interact in Finnish. The story hour is recommended for children age 2-10, but everyone that understands Finnish is welcome to join us. This is a free event for […]

Illustrating the invisible

The art of illustrating the invisible: Diversity and multiculturalism in picture books   In this seminar, illustrator Maria Sann, MA – winner of the Rudolf Koivu Prize in 2021 – explores her personal story as an emigrant from Russia in 1993 and her quest for new expressions without stereotypical visual effects. Publisher Jenni Erkintalo, founder […]

Life and death in the Nordic Region

How has the pandemic affected health and life expectancy? On Nordic Day, 23 March, the biannual report “State of the Nordic Region” will be launched with a series of events across five Nordic countries. The Icelandic event will shed light on the COVID pandemic’s impact on health and demographics in the Nordic Region. The whole […]

Kidarchy’s bar – Open Bar

Kidarchy invites adults and children to their bar! At Kidarchy’s bar the children are in charge – the bar is a platform for Kidarchy to experiment with ideas they’ve had in weekly workshops in The Nordic House. This winter the bar offers for examples conceptual cocktails, (alcohol free!), relaxation, advice and personal conversations at the […]

Prelude to the future – a melodic story telling show for the whole family

Prelude to the future, by Ævar Þór Benediktsson and Kjartan Ólafsson, is a mix of theater and storytelling where Nordic fairy tales and folktales are staged. The soundscape of the show is unique and made with the assistance of the artificial intelligence CALMUS. The soundscape is created with sound from nature and music from the […]

Reading club at the Nordic House

FOR US WHO LOVE READING GOOD STORIES Join the Nordic House reading club at the most beautiful library in Reykjavik, where we will meet and talk about Nordic fiction. The reading club is led by Erling Kjærbo and Susanne Elgum from the library. We read in Scandinavian and speak together in “Blandinavian” when we meet […]

Persian Night

The Nordic House is implementing a new program that is focused on establishing and developing a platform based on diversity and inclusion in the Icelandic art and cultural scene. The program is lead by curator Elham Fakouri and aims to gather different artists and activists with diverse backgrounds and ethnicity, having a series of performances and panel discussions in order to make […]

Sunday Story Hours – Danish

Nannaelvah Prem Bendtsen will read the story Life in the Universe by Zakiya Ajmi , which is the inspiration behind the current exhibition at the Children´s library. She will also interduce a short story about the famous alien E.T. and afterwards invite families to join in on some space related craft. Niovi is cand.mag in history and company […]