Life in the Universe

Liv is a girl that lives on the top floor in a house in the city, just beneath the starry sky. Liv’s father has told her that space is constantly expanding, like a balloon that is being blown up more and more. With her telescope, Liv looks up into space and takes on a journey […]

Animals take over the internet! – Family workshop

How would the world be if the animals were in control and had access to the internet? In the workshop guests get to explore the viewpoint of animals through different creative exercises led by artist Kolbeinn Hugi, that exhibits work in the current exhibition at the Nordic house – Even a worm will turn. Kolbeinn Hugi […]

The transformations between animal and human in the sagas

In the sea off the coast of Iceland, a whale is spotted with human eyes, and a horse is strangely conspired with its master. The relationship between animal and human in the sagas is close. Dangerously, witch crafted women can turn into animals in the Icelandic sagas and in the ancient sagas, the heroes can […]

Artist talk with Kolbeinn Hugi & Josefin Arnell

Wednesday the 23rd of February, Kolbeinn Hugi and Josefin Arnell will have an artist talk about their works in the new exhibition Even a worm will turn. The talk will start at 18 and will be led by the curators of the exhibition. Welcome to artist talk in Hvelfing.   Josefin Arnell (b. 1984, SE) […]

Bring your own instrument! – Family workshop

Musician Elham Fakouri will hold a music workshop for the whole family. With the clarinet as her instrument, she guides the participants to play, create and explore the possibilities of storytelling through music. The workshop is free and percussion instruments will be available on site but guests can also bring their own. Elham Fakouri is […]

Turning worms! – Free workshop for children

Children are invited to join a free, two day workshop during the winter break. In the workshop children will get familiarised with the works from the new exhibition at The Nordic house – Even a worm will turn – where animals play a key role. The relationship between humans and animals will be explored through […]

The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region 3

“The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region” “The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region” is an anthology trilogy that’s part of Lyftet – an initiative from the Nordic ministers for culture in the field of children’s and young people’s literature. The primary initiative is an annual interdisciplinary seminar on current Nordic children’s and […]

Exhibition opening: Even a worm will turn

Welcome to the opening of the new exhibition EVEN A WORM WILL TURN, Saturday the 12 of February at 17.00-20.00. In the narrative of man as name giver, living creatures are transmuted into ideas, signs, or symbols. Imbuing animals with ideological, emotional, anthropomorphic identity traits. How does this narrative affect interspecies relations? Reflecting upon human […]

Even a worm will turn

New art exhibition in Hvelfing. Open Tuesday-Sunday from 10-17. Exhibition catalogue In the narrative of man as name giver, living creatures are transmuted into ideas, signs, or symbols. Imbuing animals with ideological, emotional, anthropomorphic identity traits. How does this narrative affect interspecies relations? Reflecting upon human -animal kinship we are confronted with the limitations of […]

Indigenous Film Focus on Sámi National Day

Click here to sign up In this year’s, film focus program the Nordic House has in collaboration with International Sámi Film Institute chosen films made by indigenous directors from Sámpi and Canada. The movies will be screened in The Nordic House on the Sámi National Day, Sunday the 6th of February. 16:00 – On Solid Ground: Indigenous shorts.  […]

What will cinema become?

RVK Feminist Film Festival are holding a conversation edition here at the Nordic House this Saturday the 15th of January. The conversation consists of three online panels with professionals from the filmmaking world that will talk about cinema, feminism and creation. The conversations are open for questions and will be streamed on the Nordic House […]

Lounge Sápmi + Iceland

Lounge Sápmi is a young and urban live concept of, for and with young Sámi art and music performers. The idea of the project is to make a community of musicians, artists and listeners and most importantly a stage for young Sámi performers. The project was founded in 2019 by Anthoni Hætta, Inger Johanne Oskal […]


Sunday December 12th from 15-17, The Nordic House invites you to a literary event PØLSE&POESI -Polish SAUSAGE & POETRY Jakub Stachowiak, Mao Alheimsdóttir and Kamila Ciolko-Borkowska read aloud from their poems, while we serve Polish sausages from Pylsumeistarinn with pickled cucumbers. The readings will be in Polish and Icelandic   Jakub Stachowiak was born in […]

Kidarchy’s Bar – Christmas haircuts

Do you trust children? But do you trust them with your hair? Kidarchy’s Bar is opening a pop up hair salon and are inviting adults for a free Christmas haircut! The hair salon will be located at The Nordic House and exclusively open between 5-6PM on Friday the 10th of December. The haircut doesn’t cost […]

Will Christmas arrive? Reading & family workshop

Readings and family workshop with Rán Flygering and Hallgrímur Helgason. The new book Will Christmas arrive? is about the cheerful sisters of the 13 Icelandic Santa clauses and is produced by illustrator Rán Flygenring and writer Hallgrímur Helgason. In the relation to the new book the authors will have a reading and workshop at the […]

Baltic Christmas Crafts – Free Workshop

The whole family is welcome to a Christmas crafting workshop in the concert hall of the Nordic house. Christmas decoration and papers will be made with the help of an Icelandic, Latvian and Lithuanian teachers. All the material will be available and multicultural Christmas music will be in the background. There will be space between […]

Good Thursday – Guided tour in Time Mattter Remains Trouble

Welcome to a guided tour in Hvelfing on Good Thursday at 18:30 through the current exhibition TIME MATTER REMAINS TROUBLE. Myrra Leifsdóttir and Veigar Ölnir Gunnarsson take visitors around the exhibition and give insight to the works by Icelandic, Finnish and German artists. Artist exhibiting: Alice Creischer Anna Líndal Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir Bjarki Bragason nabbteeri […]

Confect, chocolate and sweets – When books taste of December

Come and experience how to make delicacies that taste of December! Silla Knudsen from Sono and Helga Haraldsdóttir will show and tell in Icelandic and “Blandinavian” which ingredients and recipes give the perfect atmosphere of enjoyment and self-pampering in the winter. You will yourself be making sweets, spicy chocolate and confect, while you taste a nice […]

Synthesizing Sustainability – Multispecies Storytelling

Synthesizing Sustainability – Multispecies Storytelling and Seeing Beyond Plant Blindness How can art affect scientific narratives and make us see beyond plant blindness? How might plant-based sensoric experiences influence human perceptions of plants? How does habitat and displacement, conservation and postcolonial perspectives become the central focus of artistic research? And why would apples be relevant […]

Special storyhour: Nordic translators read 

Special storyhour: Nordic translators read  This week is Nordic literature week, and we mark this with a special storyhour on Saturday November 20th i cooperation with Network for Nordic translators of children’s and young people’s literature. From 11-12 the translators will read selected children’s books in the children’s library. The stories will be in various […]

Just talk! – Workshop // Naasuliardarpi

In the bookclub for youth Just read! we have spent November reading the Nordic Council Literature Prize winner of 2021, Naasuliardarpi by Nivaq Korneliussen. We will finish off the book with our final workshop Just talk!, the 25th of November at 5pm. Even if you have just started reading or have reed the whole book everyone […]

Seminar on translation of children’s and young people’s literature

Seminar on translation of children’s and young people’s literature The translator network that will meet in Reykjavik in November consists of translators from all the Nordic areas, who translate into Nordic languages. The common denominator for the translators is that they translate children’s and young people’s literature in addition to adult literature. Translations for children […]

Magnets & sculptures – workshop for families

Icelandic artist Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir teaches an exciting workshop were sculptures, magnets and nature create an artwork together. The workshop starts at Hvelfing exhibition space of the Nordic house where she will give guests insight into her work in the exhibition TIME MATTER REMAINS TROUBLE. Afterwards the workshop moves to the Children´s Library where Anna […]

The Latvian School invites you to a ball!

The Latvian school invites families and children specially to celebrate Latvia’s birthday! In November in 1918, the independent state of Latvia was proclaimed, which makes this month a very special and cheerful time for Latvians. Therefor the Latvian school in Reykjavík would like to invite children and families to the Nordic House for a celebration […]

Blue lava and other wonders- Workshop

Have you walked under the earth or skied in the air? Artist Anna Líndal shares her experiences in a fun workshop that gives insight into her work on the exhibition TIME MATTER REMAINS TROUBLE in the Nordic house. Anna has been active in numerous solo and joint exhibitions in Iceland and abroad since 1990. She […]

Blue lava & more wonders – workshop

Have you walked under the earth or skied in the sky? Artist Anna Líndal shares interesting stories that happened creating her new work, during a workshop for children, young people and families at the Nordic house. The workshop starts in Hvelfing – exhibition area of the Nordic house- where guests get to know her new […]

Blue lava and other wonders – workshop

Have you walked under the earth or skied in the air? Artist Anna Líndal shares her experiences in a fun workshop that gives insight into her work on the exhibition TIME MATTER REMAINS TROUBLE in the Nordic house. The workshop is free, and everyone is welcome! Anna has been active in numerous solo and joint […]

3 events with green Focus – Nordic Perspectives on #ChoosingGreen

In connection to COP26, UN Conference on Climate Change, in Glasgow, we have organized an exciting program on the 11th of November around the theme of the environment, climate, and sustainability, with a significant focus on the latter. Sustainable consumption and production is a big challenge in the Nordic region. How can we pay attention […]

Blue lava & more wonders – workshop

Have you walked under the earth or skied in the sky?  Artist Anna Líndal shares interesting stories that happened creating her new work, during a workshop for children, young people and families at the Nordic house. The workshop starts in Hvelfing – exhibition area of the Nordic house- where guests get to know her new […]

Special Story Hour – Family festival

The whole family is welcome to the last Story Hour of the year! Christmas concerts, crafts and Santa Claus will stop by and read the story of the winner! It is possible to participate in the competition until 3rd of December – see more here: Story competition for children inspired by the Moomins! The winner […]

Creative writing workshop with Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson

Free two day workshop in creative writing for young people that are interested in the inexplainable in past, present and future. The teacher is Alexander Dan, writer and specialist in the unusual. During the workshop we will deal with questions like: What is fictional writing? What is the difference between fantasy and sci-fi? how do […]

Sunday Story Hour  – Norwegian & Icelandic

Mynd: Saga Sig

11.00- 11.30 am Norwegian 2- 2:30 pm  Icelandic The whole family is welcome to a Norwegian-Icelandic story time at the Children´s library in the Nordic house. A story will be read from one of the Moomin books in Norwegian at 11.00.  In the afternoon, at 2pm Rán will read in Icelandic from the new book: […]

Synthesizing Sustainability- Storytelling and awareness

  During October and November, the Nordic House, in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland, organizes a series of three events to strengthen the dialogue between science and art and to shed light on the importance to include the creative sector in the journey towards a more sustainable future. […]

WHY PLASTIC? Documentary screening | SEEDS

Plastic is a revolutionary material. It’s durable, affordable, multi-functional – and it has pushed our planet to the brink of one of the worst environmental crises in modern history. Plastic is also a topic surrounded by a lot of confusion and misleading information. WHY PLASTIC? is a three-part investigative documentary series that will bust the […]

Is it possible to be sustainable on Singles’ Day and other days?

In today’s consumer society with millions of choices, it can be difficult to navigate which purchases support a green transition. What options do we have to become more sustainable in our consumption? Will our daily lives be limited if we decide to consume environmentally friendly? How should one relate to consumerism, as on Singles’ Day? […]

Sunday Story Hour – Danish

11:00 – 11:30 am 2 – 2:30 pm The whole family is welcome to a Sunday Story Hour in Danish at the Children ́s Library at the Nordic house. A story from one of the Moomin books will be read in Danish both at 11 am and at 2 pm. After the reading people are […]

When literature transforms reality

On November 10th at 7.30 pm, The Nordic House will host a literary event where we examine literature’s use of the sci-fi genre, alternative realities and stories about the future in the exploration of themes such as nature, identity and society.   Charlotte Weitze and Friða Isberg will discuss how literature can balance utopian and […]

Book club for youth: Bare læs!

Bare læs! A bookclub for youth In the book club Bare læs! we meet and read a book together and share our thoughts. We don’t analyze or have specific learning objectives – we just read together. This November we will read Blomsterdalen by Niviaq Korneliussen in danish. The language is simple, so everyone can read […]

Nature, future, matter – exhibition opening

Works from children aged 9-13 We welcome you for the opening of the exhibition Nature, future, matter at the Nordic house. Students from the workshop: Nature, future matter, exhibit works they made during the winter break. During the workshop they learned how to explore ways of preserving and mixing materials by working with sculptures and […]

Sunday Story Time- In Norwegian an Icelandic

11.00- 11.30: Norwegian 14.00- 14.30: Icelandic  Welcome to Norwegian-Icelandic story time. We will dive into Tove Jansson´s world by reading about the moomintroll and his friends. There will also be a guided tour trough the Reading and writing with the moomins exhibition that is now showing in the children’s library and the children will be […]