For many, living in a time where graphs and statistics on the impending ecological crisis are ever-present, has led to either climate anxiety or climate agnosticism. In recent years, both art and academia has interrogated the notion, that an alternative methodology is necessary, to provide a more tangible understanding of the complex issues of the climate- and bio-diversity emergency.
On Thursday the 1st of December, The Nordic House invites you to join us for a symposium, where we will explore the role of the visual arts as one such methodology. Together with visual artist and artistic researcher Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir (she/her), curator, editor and project manager at Reykjavík Art Museum Becky Elizabeth Forsythe (she/her), visual artist, artistic researcher and head of the Department of Fine Art at Listaháskóli Íslands Bjarki Bragason (he/him), and visual artist Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (she/her), we discuss the unique potential that art and artistic approaches pose, as an entry-point for interaction with, and understanding of the natural world.