

Memoir novel (Danish) Malene Lei Raben: Fruen, 2019 How to live a life when as a child you loved your strong and freedom-seeking mother through the youth rebellion in the 1970s, then as a young woman you are left in the throes of the same ambitious, troublesome and egocentric mother who clearly shows that she […]


Novel (Danish) Merete Pryds Helle: Nora, 2019 The novel is one of three Nordic reinterpretations of Henrik Ibsen’s plays – here a reinterpretation of Et dukkehjem (1879). The young and in love woman, Nora breaks up from her father’s house and marries Torvald, gives birth to a child and submits to the increasing depression of […]


Crime novel (Danish) Katrine Engberg: Vådeskud, 2019 This book is the fourth in the series about the police investigative team Jeppe Kørner and Anette Werner as well as the helpful, retired literature professor Esther De Laurenti. A new disappearance case annoys the police investigators and lurks to the reader’s dismay as a teenage boy disappears […]


Welcome to the Nordic House. As our guests, your safety is our main priority. We follow the guidelines given by the Icelandic Health Authorities at all times and have introduced measures to secure that your visit happens safely. OPENING HOURS Information on opening hours and temporary closing due to covid can be found here. A […]

Nora eller brænd Oslo brænd

Novel (Norwegian and translated into Danish) Johanna Frid: Nora eller brænd Oslo brænd, 2019 A Scandinavian novel about jealousy that takes place between the young love couple Swedish Johanna and Danish Emil and the latter’s ex-girlfriend Norwegian Nora. The ex-girlfriend is all that Johanna is not: beautiful, photogenic and popular on social media. When Emil […]

Før min mand forsvinder / Ennen kuin mieheni katoaa

Novel (Finnish, translated into Danish) Selja Ahava: Før min mand forsvinder, 2019/ Ennen kuin mieheni katoaa, 2017 An auto fictional novel about getting emotionally lost when one’s husband through ten years of marriage suddenly one morning declares: “In reality, I’ve always wanted to be a woman.” Read a very empathizing first-hand account of perplexity, confusion, […]

Visiting artist

The Nordic House had the privilege of hosting the Finnish artist Saara Ekström.  Saara is an admirer of Icelandic nature and came to Iceland to collect material for her art and be inspired. “I’m very happy to be invited to the Nordic House to work on a project connected to the earth’s strata and geological […]


Novel (Danish) Karen Fastrup: Hungerhjerte, 2018 Memoir novel An amazing memoir novel about the author and translator Karen’s own life of living like a crazy bullet, having a wild animal inside her, and in between behaving insanely. About a difficult childhood with a complicated father, loss of a younger brother, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts that […]

Jeg er f*cking hot!

Non-fiction literature on women life (Danish) Renée Toft Simonsen: Jeg er f*cking hot, 2018 A personally written book for you who, like the author, is around 50 and experiences hormone changes in the same way as when you were a teenager – or for those who just want to gain insight into women’s menopause, emerging […]


Crime novel (Danish) Søren Svejstrup: Kastanjemanden, 2018 The two police investigators from the Copenhagen Police’s Department of Homicide, the young and ambitious Naia Thulin and the career-parked Mark Hess with the sad past, are busy getting back on track with an otherwise completed investigation into the alleged murder of the Minister of Social Affairs. The […]

Syv sind

Novel (Danish) Lotte Kaa Andersen: Syv sind, 2018 The final book in the romantic trilogy about life among the upper class after the financial crisis at one of Denmark’s richest addresses in Hellerup north of Copenhagen. We are not only invited into the pretty surface with beautiful, luxuriant and flowering gardens and large mansion villas […]

Holiday opening hours

Ascension Day May 21st Open 10-17 (MATR 12-16) Whitsunday 31st of May Open 10-17 (MATR closed) Whitmonday 1st of June CLOSED (Monday) The national day of Iceland 17th of June CLOSED Commerce Day 3rd of August CLOSED   Event Calendar For further information please contact

Listin í netheimum

Tekstinn er þýddur úr sænsku Föstudaginn 24. janúar opnaði myndlistarsýningin Land handan hafsins í Norræna húsinu en hún var framleidd af Pro Artibus stofnuninni í Finnlandi. Opnunarkvöldið var stórkostlegt, eins og meiri háttar veisla. Innan um myndlist, blóm, mat og vín fögnuðu uppnumdir gestirnir því að sýningarsalur Norræna hússins opnaði að nýju. Kvöldið hverfur mér […]


Welcome to Kynjaþing, a feminist assembly, which is held November 2nd in the Nordic House Kynjaþing is a democratic and feminist forum for the public. The agenda for the day is organized by NGOs and grassroots organizations, where the idea is to enhance dialogue between us who are concerned about equality in the world. This […]

New director of The Nordic House

Sabina Westerholm from Finland is a new director of The Nordic House in Reykjavik since January 2nd 2019.  One of her main ambitions is to develop the programme for children and young people. Westerholm previous job was Managing Director of the Pro Artibus Foundation, which works to support the visual arts in Swedish-speaking Finland. During her career, […]

Nordens Hus søger praktikanter til foråret 2019

Som praktikant i Nordens Hus bliver du en del af et dynamisk team, der arbejder med kulturudveksling mellem Island, Norden og de Baltiske lande i form af samarbejdsprojekter med kulturinstitutioner, enkelte kunstnere og forskere m.m. i hele regionen. Som praktikant i Nordens Hus vil du få solid erfaring med projektudvikling og gennemførelse, samt kommunikation på alle niveauer i den kulturelle sektor og et grundigt indblik […]

Norræn dagskrá á Lýsu 2018 – Hofi Akureyri –

Norðurlönd í fókus, Norræna félagið og Halló Norðurlönd standa fyrir dagskrá á samfélagshátíðinni LÝSU á Akureyri um helgina! Dagskráin hefst kl. 11:15 þegar forsætisráðherra Katrín Jakobsdóttir tilkynnir tilnefningar ársins til Umhverfisverðlauna Norðurlandaráðs 2018. FÖSTUDAGUR 7. SEPTEMBER 11:15 – 12:00 HAMRAGIL Tilkynnt um tilnefningar til Umhverfisverðlauna Norðurlandaráðs 2018 Katrín Jakobsdóttir forsætisráðherra tilkynnir opinberlega um tilnefningar til […]

Norræna húsið auglýsir eftir bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðingi. Umsóknarfrestur 27. ágúst 2018.

Hefur þú brennandi áhuga á börnum og barnamenningu? Bókasafn Norræna hússins er einstakt almenningsbókasafn með safnefni á sjö tungumálum, barnabókasafn og artótek með norrænum grafíkverkum. Bókasafnið hóf starfsemi árið 1969, ári eftir að húsið var vígt. Sérstaða safnsins er að þar er eingöngu að finna bókmenntir á norðurlandamálunum eftir norræna höfunda en þó ekki á […]


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR ICE HOT REYKJAVÍK 2018 IS NOW OPEN! The call for application to perform and present work at ICE HOT Reykjavík opens today and closes 31st of January 2018. The platform will take place 12th–16th of December 2018 in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík. All Nordic contemporary dance artists working and living […]

Opening hours during the Holidays

The Nordic House is closed from 24 of December 2017 and reopens January 2nd, 2018. AALTO Bistro is open 27.12 and 30.12 from 11:30 – 21:30. The Reception and design-boutique open again 06.01.2018 Open daily: 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesdays: 09:00 – 21:30 Weekends: 11:00-17:00 Reception Open daily: 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesdays: 09:00 – 21:00 Weekends: […]

Yfirbókavörður (100%) 

Norræna húsið í Reykjavík er norræn menningarstofnun með áherslu á bókmenntir, tungumál, arkitektúr, hönnun, börn og ungmenni og sjálfbæra þróun. Markmið hússins eru að koma norrænni menningu á framfæri og styrkja tengsl við hin Norðurlöndin. Norræna húsið er leiðandi afl í íslensku menningarlífi og húsið er eitt af meistaraverkum Alvars Aalto. Árið 2018 fagnar Norræna […]

Head Librarian

Overbibliotekar til Nordens Hus i Reykjavík Er du den, vi leder efter? Nordens Hus søger en beslutningsdygtig og nytænkende leder til husets bibliotek. Du vil få stor indflydelse på bibliotekets fremtidige udvikling og skal sikre dets relevans i samfundet for både eksisternede og nye målgrupper.  Du skal sikre, at biblioteket er en integreret del af […]

Ókeypis skólavist

Lýðháskólanám í Færeyjum september – desember 2017 Lýðháskólinn í Færeyjum býður tveimur ungmennum frá Íslandi skólavist, þeim að kostnaðarlausu. skráning á:   Hefur þú áhuga á því að fara í Lýðháskóla í Færeyjum? Þá er þetta kjörið tækifæri fyrir þig.  Í Lýðháskóla Færeyja er engin námsáætlun, engin próf og engin pressa. Í Lýðháskóla Færeyja færðu […]

Art Auction in Support of Wordquake

Art Auction in Support of Wordquake  18. September 2017, 3.30pm-5pm Sted Remisen på Godsbanen + Livestream via Original art work by highly acclaimed Nordic artists such as Knud Odde (DK), Gabríela Friðriksdóttir (IS), and Patrik Gustavsson (SE). Download catalog with art work on from the 5th of September.  Livestream via  Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers swing the hammer […]

Norræna húsið óskar eftir að ráða bókara

Norræna húsið óskar eftir að ráða bókara Starfið sem er bæði fjölbreytt og krefjandi felur meðal annars í sér fjárhagsbókhald, flokkun og merkingar reikninga, innheimtu, samþykktarferla og afstemmingar ásamt öðrum tilfallandi verkefnum tengdum bókhaldi. Menntunar – og hæfniskröfur: * Menntun sem nýtist í starfi * Reynsla af færslu bókhalds og afstemmingum nauðsynleg * Þekking á […]

Nominations for the Environment Prize

This year, the theme for the Nordic Council Environment Prize is initiatives that bring us closer to the waste-free society. Anybody can submit nominations. The winner will be announced in Helsinki on 1 November 2017, during the Session of the Nordic Council. Criteria for nomination The prize is awarded to a Nordic company, organisation, or […]