06Dec. 14:00 Conferences and meetings — Events — Family events — Literature Danish Christmas Story hour
26Nov. 17:00-18:30 Conferences and meetings — Events — Literature Nordic Café Lingua; Pippi Longstocking
15Nov. - 15Nov. 17:30 Conferences and meetings — Events — Literature Borgþór Kjærnested- Christian X’s diaries
28Oct. 14:00 Conferences and meetings — Events Nordic Grant Programs for Culture – Afternoon information session
19Jun. 13:00 Conferences and meetings Consequences of Authoritarianism: What recent developments in Russia really mean?
13May. - 16May. Conferences and meetings The Nordik conference The Nordik conference is held in Iceland for the first time.
03Jun. 12:00 Conferences and meetings Elections in Denmark Norðurlönd í fókus boðar til fundar um kosningarnar í Danmörku