05Apr. 12:00 Conferences and meetings — Literature Free Iceland Writers Retreat masterclass with Megan Herbert
31Mar. 12:00 Conferences and meetings Seminar: New Security Challenges in the North Atlantic: Regional Perspectives
30Mar. 16:00 Conferences and meetings — Exhibitions WORKSHOP WITH CANADIAN VISUAL ARTIST STEVEN NEDERVEEN
27Feb. 9 - 11 Conferences and meetings Integration of refugees and immigrants: Analysis of improvement opportunities
24Feb. 12-13 Conferences and meetings — The Nordic Region in Focus Why a Greenlandic state would not become independent
09Feb. 12:00 Conferences and meetings — Livestream National Security – new perspectives in foreign policy
02Feb. 08:00-13:15 og 14:00-17:00 Conferences and meetings — Exhibitions Sustainability in Nordic Design
20Jan. 16:00-17:15 Conferences and meetings — Livestream — The Nordic Region in Focus Nordic Nationalism and Right-Wing Populist Politics
18Jan. 15-17 Conferences and meetings — Livestream — The Nordic Region in Focus Nordic Climate Solutions: Green to Scale
04Dec. 13-16 Concerts — Conferences and meetings — Exhibitions Learn how to make beautiful Christmas ornaments from recycled materials
04Dec. - 23Dec. Concerts — Conferences and meetings — Exhibitions — Family events — Films — Livestream Christmas program for the whole family
25Oct. 16-18 Conferences and meetings — Livestream Open meeting about Icelandic fisheries- The Pirate Party
18Oct. 20:00 Conferences and meetings — Livestream Environmental policies of Icelandic political parties- Livestream
27Oct. 11:30 Conferences and meetings How can society affect and improve the welfare of young people?
07Oct. 08:30 - 15.50 Conferences and meetings — Literature — Livestream Symposium: Self Image – World Image LIVESTREAM
20Nov. 13:00 Conferences and meetings Lecture on Tchaikovsky and Grieg at the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth
30Sep. 15:00 Conferences and meetings — Films Panel: Polish Cinema, Opportunities and Obstacles – Riff