
Info Norden sets a new record in 2024!

Never before have so many people sought information about opportunities in the Nordic region. With 2.5 million visits to our website, we have helped even more people find their way to work and education across the Nordic countries. We have launched new guides, strengthened collaboration with Nordic and European actors, and put free movement on […]

Holiday greetings

We wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season, peace, and prosperity in the coming year. We thank you for the moments shared in the passing year and we look forward to welcoming you in the new yearwith exciting events. We open the first exhibition of 2025 “Is This North” on January 25th. […]

Sveriges ambassad i Reykjavik utlyser en tjänst

Sveriges ambassad i Reykjavik utlyser en tjänst som junior handläggare med inriktning på politisk rapportering Sveriges ambassad i Reykjavik utlyser en befattning som lokalanställd junior handläggare med inriktning på politisk rapportering. Befattningen är en heltidstjänst som inleds med tre månaders provanställning. Tillträde så snart som möjligt. Utöver politisk rapportering omfattar tjänsten ansvar för inkommande besök. […]

Pan-ArcticVision 2024, LIVE from NUUK!

10 Arctic artists 10 Arctic communities 10 Arctic songs – one Pan-Arctic vision! This is a time of increased international tension in the Arctic. There is war in Europe. The major political regimes of the world look to the North both for access to natural resources and strategic influence. Arctic communities often find themselves as […]

Reduced Opening hours – May 18th – June 7th

Dear guests. Due to extensive construction work around the building, we have decided to reduce our opening hours on weekdays and keep closed the following weekends, up to and including June 6th. This also applies to cafe Sónó Matseljur. However, some events will be held outside of these opening hours and they are advertised specificly […]

Vi söker praktikanter!

Som praktikant i Nordens hus är du en del av ett dynamiskt team, som arbetar med kulturutbyte mellan Island, Norden och de baltiska länderna i form av samarbetsprojekt med kulturinstitutioner, konstnärer och forskare i hela regionen. Nordens hus har en bred verksamhet och arrangerar kontinuerligt utställningar, evenemang, konferenser och festivaler med inriktning på konst, kultur och […]

We are hiring!

Bibliotekar med fokus på litteratur og læseoplevelser Vi søger en kollega til biblioteket i Nordens Hus i Reykjavik på Island. Nordens Hus er et etableret nordisk mødested for kunst, kultur, sprog og social diskussion. Bæredygtighed er centralt for vores virksomhed. Vi stræber efter CO2-neutralitet, og vi fokuserer på lighed og mangfoldighed. Vi tilbyder et modigt […]

Happy holidays

The Nordic House would like to send our warmest thanks  to our partners and guests, for all of the fun and important events shared in the past year. Despite the ongoing renovation, we have had a steady stream of visitors who have been able to take part in an extensive program with a focus on […]

Happy Pride!

We were proud to represent the Nordic House in the Reykjavik Pride Parade. Let’s keep fighting for equality and queer rights – and remember to not take it for granted.

Nordic House is hiring (Nordic language required)

Nordens hus är sekretariat för Nordiska rådets litteraturpris och Nordiska rådets barn- och ungdomslitteraturpris och vi söker nu en vikarie för vår sekretariatsledare. Anställningen är 50% och tidsbunden till perioden 1.8.2023 – 31.3.2024. Arbetsplatsen är i Nordens hus i Reykjavik, men arbetet sker i tät dialog med Nordiska ministerrådets avdelningar för kultur och kommunikation. Vi […]


För hösten 2023 söker vi tre praktikanter inom tre separata program.  Som praktikant i Nordens hus är du en del av ett dynamiskt team, som arbetar med kulturutbyte mellan Island, Norden och de baltiska länderna i form av samarbetsprojekt med kulturinstitutioner, konstnärer och forskare i hela regionen. Nordens hus har en bred verksamhet och arrangerar kontinuerligt […]

R.E.C Arts Reykjavík & the Nordic house look for participants

R.E.C Arts Reykjavík during Children´s Culture Festival 2023 at the Nordic house Reykjavík. Artist-Activist Collective R.E.C Arts Reykjavík, in collaboration with The Nordic House, proposes a project which seeks to provide an artistic platform for teens of minority backgrounds and communities (as well as other teens interested), ages 13-17. This cumulative program invites a group […]

Nordens hus søger deltids arkivar til en etårig projektstilling

Nordens hus søger deltids arkivar til en etårig projektstilling fra 1 januar 2023 Nordens hus i Reykjavik er et etableret Nordisk mødested for kunst, kultur, sprog og social diskussion. Bæredygtighed er centralt for vores virksomhed. Vi stræber efter CO2-neutralitet, og vi fokuserer på lighed og mangfoldighed. Vi tilbyder et modigt og relevant kunstnerisk, litterært og […]


READING CLUB IN THE NORDIC HOUSE:  FOR THOSE OF US WHO LOVE TO READ GOOD STORIES    Join the Nordic House reading club at Reykjavik’s most beautiful library, where we talk about Nordic fiction. The reading club is led by Susanne Elgum from the library.  We read in Scandinavian and talk together in “mixed Scandinavian” […]

Equal opportunities for children with developmental disorders

Equal opportunities for children of foreign origin with developmental disorders in the Nordics The Nordic countries are seeing growing numbers of children with an immigrant background and developmental disorder. The seminar gathers experts from the Nordic and Baltic countries to share knowledge and experiences on how to support the wellbeing of foreign-born children and youth […]

Nominations for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2022

Planting eelgrass in Denmark, restoring drained wetlands in Iceland, Sweden’s oldest existing UNESCO biosphere reserve and a voluntary association that restores rivers and streams in Finland. Six projects have been nominated for the Environment Prize 2022 for the theme is nature-based solutions. Six nominations The nominations for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2022 are: Sund […]

New library system

What is happening? New library system is coming our way and while it is being updated our self-check in stations are out of order, no new books can be listed and you won’t be able to reserve or renew your loans. But you can of course come and loan books. Please bring your library card […]

17th May – Norways nationalday

Norway’s national day is celebrated on 17th May. Many Norwegians live in Iceland and tomorrow many of them will gather and celebrate the day together. Normannslaget, an association of Norwegians and ‘friends of Norway’ in Iceland, organises a festive program on this day. Part of it will take place here in the Nordic House between […]

The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region 3

“The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region” “The Length and Breadth of the Nordic Region” is an anthology trilogy that’s part of Lyftet – an initiative from the Nordic ministers for culture in the field of children’s and young people’s literature. The primary initiative is an annual interdisciplinary seminar on current Nordic children’s and […]