little girl walks in the snow and frost infront of a pond. In the distance you see a big church.

Happy holidays

The Nordic House would like to send our warmest thanks  to our partners and guests, for all of the fun and important events shared in the past year.

Despite the ongoing renovation, we have had a steady stream of visitors who have been able to take part in an extensive program with a focus on sustainability and diversity in the Nordic countries. Many thanks for all the wonderful moments we have shared.

We look forward to finishing the renovation of the house in the coming year and continuing our work together with you all.

We wish all our guests and partners a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

Gleðilega hátíð og friðsælt nýtt ár
Glædelig jul og godt nytår
God jul og godt nytt år
God jul och fridfullt nytt år
Hyvää joulua ja rauhallista uutta vuotta
Juullimi ukiortaassamilu pilluarit
Gleðiliga jólahátíð og eydnuríkt nýggjár
Lahkoe Jåvlh jïh Buerie Orre Jaepie