Nordic Film Festival 2017
The 5th Nordic Film Festival 2017
Welcome to The Nordic House, March 8-15
The festival this year screens a great variety of high-quality Nordic films from all genres. The films have English subtitles. Entrance is free!
The Nordic region is internationally known for its dynamic film culture and it is a pleasure to present a few examples of what our Nordic neighbors have to offer. We will screen full-length narrative films, documentaries, short films and an Oscar-winning animation film for children. The films come from the whole region: Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland Islands.
As many of the films address highly current themes, we are happy to invite you to talks and events related to selected films.
Welcome, Velkommen, velkomin!
The Nordic Film Festival is a collaboration between The Nordic House, Embassy of Denmark, The Finnish Embassy, The Norwegian Embassy and Embassy of Sweden in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Read more about the chosen ones this year
Dugma: The Button (NO)
Magnus (NO)
The Human Scale (DK)
The Swedish Theory of Love (SE)
Brothers (NO)
Underdog (SE)
A Thousand Times Good Night (NO)
Peter & the Wolf (NO)
Devil’s Bride (FIN)
Parents (DK)
The Perfect Selfie (FIN)
The War Show (DK/SYR/FIN)
Shortmovies (SE/NO/FIN/IS/AX)
Shortmovies 2. (FO/GL/DK)