Is it possible to be sustainable on Singles’ Day and other days?
12.00 - 13.30
In today’s consumer society with millions of choices, it can be difficult to navigate which purchases support a green transition. What options do we have to become more sustainable in our consumption? Will our daily lives be limited if we decide to consume environmentally friendly? How should one relate to consumerism, as on Singles’ Day?
November 11th has in recent years been referred to as Singles’ Day – a day which has now become known as one of the world’s greatest shopping days, due to a variety of offers and sales that more and more stores have during this day. Thus, we would like to seize the opportunity, also in connection with the ongoing COP26, to discuss and evaluate how we can create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle.
During this lunch event in the Nordic House, environmentally conscious and driven panelists from the Icelandic business sector will be discussing a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle – What are the main opportunities and challenges when it comes to being greener and more sustainable in our everyday lives? We will also focus on young people’s participation in COP 26, thus we will connect and converse with our key-note listeners in Glasgow and at the Nordic COP26 Hub in Helsinki, to hear about their insights and thoughts regarding sustainability.
We look forward to welcoming you at the Nordic House from 11.45 AM onwards. If you are unable to attend the event, you can follow the livestream on our channels. Admission is free and we will be offering a light lunch from SONO. The event will be in Icelandic except for an interview with two youth participants at COP26 in Glasgow at 13:15-13:30.
Brynja Dan Gunnarsdóttir, Founder of the Singles’ Day in Iceland, and one of the founders and owners of Extraloppan
Viggó Ásgeirsson, CEO of Meniga
Rakel Garðarsdóttir, Founder and owner of Verandi og Vakandi
Sigurður Loftur Thorlacius, Environmental engineer at Efla
Sæunn Ósk Unnsteinsdóttir, CEO of Hopp Reykjavík
Participants at COP26 in Glasgow and Helsinki:
Aðalbjörg Egilsdóttir, Student in environmental and resource sciences & a member of Young Environmentalists
Aldís Mjöll Geirsdóttir, Outgoing chair of the Nordic Youth Council
Finnur Ricart Andrason, Youth Representative to the United Nations in the field of sustainable development
Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir, Cashier of the Young Environmentalists
Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, Chairman of the Young Environmentalists
Moderator: Karen Björk Eyþórsdóttir, one of the young climate leaders of 2021 (Loftslagsleiðtogi)
During this day we will have two other events with an environmental focus, familiarize yourself with the complete program here.
View the Facebook event here.
The artwork for the event is made by Rán Flygenring – @ranflygenring