Anywhere is home
Anywhere is home
Poetry night at the Nordic House, Wednesday 7 June, 7pm
A visit to Iceland by Författarcentrum Väst (”Writers’ centre West”) Gothenburg: Anna Mattson, Axîn Welat, Kristín Bjarnadóttir and Louise Halvardsson from the poetry group PoPP. The theme is home, based on the poets’ experience of living abroad; ”home” could be in Cambodia or Syria as well as in Sweden.
The language spoken on the night will be Swedish, Kurdish, English and Icelandic; the Icelandic poets Þórdís Gísladóttir, Anton Helgi Jónsson and Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir have made interpretations of the Swedish poems.
A very warm welcome! Free entrance (but donations appreciated). The restaurant is open.
During their stay in Iceland the poetry group PoPP will perform at the book café, Norðurbakki in Hafnarfjörður, Tuesday 6 June, 8pm and at the Nordic House, Wednedsay 7 June, 7-8.15pm