23Sep. - 24Sep. 18:00-22:00 Conferences and meetings — Exhibitions Uncertain Matter – Audio-installation
16Sep. 12:00 Conferences and meetings — Livestream Is there a possibility for consensus on the next steps in the Icelandic constitutional proceedings?
09Sep. 13:00 - 16:00 Conferences and meetings — Events 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council – Presentation of a report on Iceland’s interest in the Arctic
10Sep. 13:00 - 17:00 Conferences and meetings — Events — Livestream Fiskveiðistjórnun og jöfnuður – Færeyingar segja frá- Livestream
16Aug. - 17Aug. 09:30 - 16:00 Conferences and meetings — Events Learning and teaching exhibition for educators
09Sep. 08:30 Conferences and meetings — Livestream Russia today: Western neighbours and public diplomacy
25Jun. 13:00 Conferences and meetings — Events — Family events Meet up with the artists and join in their process!
28Jun. 10:00- 12:00 Conferences and meetings — Livestream Fighting Tax Evasion: Open seminar with Torsten Fensby – Livestream
28May. 13:00 - 15:00 Conferences and meetings — Family events The Weather Diaries: Creative writing workshop for children*
12Apr. 20:00 Conferences and meetings — Literature Evening With Authors – The Iceland Writers Retreat
06Apr. 16:30 Conferences and meetings Should we sacrifice our nature for unsustainable geothermal power plants?