POSTPONED A green and good Nordic region? – The Nordic Day
This event has been postponed until further notice.
On the occasion of the Nordic Day 23 March, The Nordic Region in Focus and The Nordic Association in Iceland invite you to a program in The Nordic House at 17:00-18:30.
The subject for discussion is how we create a viable and safe environment in the Nordic countries in a reality of climate change and fake news. A new vision for Nordic co-operation is that the Nordic region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. But how do we focus on creating a green and goodly Nordic region, and how does Iceland compare to other Nordic countries? What are the major threats and opportunities for the Nordic region to work together towards a thriving environment within and outside its countries?
Everyone is welcome! The program will be in Icelandic.
The Nordic region of the future
– Hrannar B. Arnarsson, chair of the Nordic Association in Iceland
Iceland’s focus during it’s presidency in the Nordic Council
– Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir, the president of the Nordic Council
Iceland’s and other Nordic countries´climate situation according to the report State of the Nordic Region 2020
– Ryan Weber, Senior Research Advisor, Nordregio, and Sven Søyland, Senior Researcher, Nordic Energy Research
Nordic youth’s demands to be put to global negotiations on biodiversity
– Elva Hrönn Hjartardóttir, Nordic youth representatives for biodiversity
Paneldiscussion – participants in addition to the speakers:
- Auðunn Atlason, ambassador and head of the Nordic Region office at the ministry for foreign affairs
- Elva Rakel Jónsdóttir, chair of the selection committee for the Nordic Council Environment Prize and head of the department for climate and green communities at the Environment Agency of Iceland
- Jóna Þórey Pétursdóttir, president of the University of Iceland Student Council<
Moderator: Iris Dager, outgoing chair of the Youth League of the Nordic Associations (FNUF)
Vísur og skvísur performing Nordic songs
Green refreshments from MATR, the zero-waste and ecofriendly café at The Nordic House