On the occasion of The Icelandic Art Prize ceremony/Íslensku Myndlistarverðlaunin, Sabina Westerholm, director of The Nordic House, gave a speech on art as a fundamental cornerstone of a democratic and sustainable society. Here you can read her speech. “Gott kvöld, Til hamingju med daginn. This is a night to celebrate art and its potential to change […]
Director‘s Blog
Do we always need to build new?
For the first time since the building’s inception, our library is now just as empty as in the picture from before the house opened to the public. This iconic room, which has been so important for generations of Nordic book lovers in Reykjavik as well as all of us who have ever worked in the […]
Why focus on art during a burning war?
A week ago, thanks to an additional grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers, we were able to open an exhibition with new works by seven Ukrainian contemporary artists. In the exhibition How did I get to the bomb shelter, we get to see artists Kinder Albums, Mykhaylo Barabash´s, Jaroslav Kostenkos, Sergiy Petlyuks, Elena Subachs, […]
A new chapter in the history of the Nordic House: Elissa Aalto
This year 100 years have passed since the birth of architect Elissa Aalto. Elissa Aalto is an important figure in Finnish architectural history. Both through her own projects and for the work she did for many years with renovation, maintenance and protection of buildings by Alvar Aalto. For the Nordic House in Reykjavik, she was […]
Today, the annual meeting on Icelandic foreign policy takes place in the Nordic House. The seminar is a collaboration with the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland and the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its title is: “International cooperation at a crossroad: where is Iceland heading?” This is a relevant question, […]
Baltics in the limelight: Children and building bridges
English, translated from Swedish: During the spring and early summer, the Nordic House celebrates Baltic Children‘s Culture Festival in collaboration with the annual children’s culture festival in Reykjavík. The program is diverse and has been planned in collaboration with the Lithuanian and Latvian schools and creative individuals from the Baltics. Certain events are aimed directly […]
The Perspectives of Art
Translated from Swedish Since its establishment in 1968, the Nordic House has been a central Nordic platform for art, culture, language and public debate in Iceland. We strive to fulfill the Nordic prime ministers’ vision for 2030 that the Nordic region will become the world’s most sustainable and integrated region. In recent years, we have […]
Opin og aðgengileg Norðurlönd
Gleðilegan Dag Norðurlanda! Í ár höldum við upp á 50 ára afmæli Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar. Frá upphafi hefur Norræna ráðherranefndin haft það markmið að allir skuli eiga þess kost að taka þátt í norrænu samstarfi. Í nýju samstarfsáætlun ráðherranefndarinnar í menningarmálum fyrir tímabilið 2021-2024 er markmiðið eftirfarandi: lista- og menningarstarf sem er aðgengilegt öllum á Norðurlöndum […]
Listin í netheimum
Tekstinn er þýddur úr sænsku Föstudaginn 24. janúar opnaði myndlistarsýningin Land handan hafsins í Norræna húsinu en hún var framleidd af Pro Artibus stofnuninni í Finnlandi. Opnunarkvöldið var stórkostlegt, eins og meiri háttar veisla. Innan um myndlist, blóm, mat og vín fögnuðu uppnumdir gestirnir því að sýningarsalur Norræna hússins opnaði að nýju. Kvöldið hverfur mér […]
Kveðja af heimaskrifstofunni: Samskiptafjarlægð
Þessi texti er þýddur úr sænsku Nú bý ég við einangrun á eyju í fleiri þúsund kílómetra fjarlægð frá minni fósturjörð, frá vinum mínum og ættingjum. En ég hef það gott. Ég hef fjölskylduna mína og ég get sinnt skemmtilegasta starfi sem hægt er að hugsa sér. Það kom mér á óvart hvað umskiptin reyndust […]