The Nordic House is closed from 2 January to 13 of January, 2017, due to renovations. The Nordic House event calendar
Danish museum invites Nordic artists to participate in portrait competition
Danish museum invites Nordic artists to participate in portrait competition Open call: Now is the time to find the best Nordic portraits. The portrait competition “Portrait NOW! 2017”, The Carlsberg Foundation’s Portrait Award, is open for entries. The Carlsberg Foundation’s Portrait Award is a bi-annual competition for Nordic artists established in 2007 and presented by […]
We are hiring.
Nordens Hus i Reykjavik søger projektleder til 50% Norden i fokus program og 50% arbejde med Nordisk råds litteraturpriser. Ansøgere bedes ansøge via Norden i Fokus er et kommunikationsprojekt under Nordisk Ministerråds Kommunikationsafdeling, der har til formål at synliggøre de visioner og programmer, som der skal arbejdes med indenfor det officielle nordiske samarbejde. I […]
Five Nordic Council Prizes awarded in Copenhagen
Katarina Frostenson, Hans Abrahamsen, Joachim Trier, Eskil Vogt, Thomas Robsahm, Arnar Már Arngrímsson, and the app “Too Good To Go” were awarded the Nordic Council’s five prizes on Tuesday evening at the DR Concert Hall. Nordic Council Literature Prize Katarina Frostenson from Sweden has won the literature prize for her collection of poems “Sånger och […]
We are hiring
The Nordic House in Reykjavík seeks a Technician 100% position that speaks both Icelandic and one of the Nordic languages Danish, Norwegian ore Swedish. Ert þú einstaklingurinn sem við leitum að? – Þú hugsar í lausnum og hefur frábæra þjónustulund – Þú getur haldið ótal boltum á lofti í einu – Þú vinnur skipulega og […]
The Library will be closed from June 4-7
Dear visitors of the Nordic House Library. The children’s department will be closed as of Thursday the 2nd of June until Monday the 13th of June for renovations. For the same reason the Library will be closed as of Saturday the 4th of June and opens again on Tuesday the 7th of June at 10:00 […]
Orkester Norden has started audition for the summercamp 2016
This year’s summer tour will feature conductor Lawrence Foster and soloist Vikingur Ólafsson. The orchestra will be comprised of about 80 musicians and will tour from August 8 to August 25. Please see the details below on how to participate. You need to submit a video so we can see you play. Join us this […]
The Nordic House in The Faroe Islands is hiring
Nordens Hus på Færøerne søger medarbejder til administrationen og receptionen Vi tilbyder Et spændende job med gode muligheder for faglig og personlig udvikling i et godt og levende kulturelt arbejdsmiljø. Arbejdsopgaver Du kommer særlig til at arbejde med opgørelser af husets arrangementer, får ansvar for kasseafregninger og lignende. Udover dette er der tale om deltagelse […]
We are hiring
The Nordic House in Reykjavík seeks a librarian in a 75% position that speaks both Icelandic and one of the Nordic languages Danish, Norwegian ore Swedish. Norræna húsið í Reykjavík er norræn menningarstofnun með áherslu á bókmenntir, tungumál, arkitektúr, hönnun, börn og ungmenni og sjálfbæra þróun. Markmið hússins eru að koma norrænni menningu á framfæri […]
Nordic Culture Point
Nordic Culture Point is an active cultural organisation that works with the whole of the Nordic Region as its platform. The organisation has three main areas of activity. We provide the secretariat function for three Nordic funding programmes: the Culture and Arts Programme, the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture and NORDBUK. We run a cultural […]
The Nordic House is closed during the holidays
The Nordic House is closed from 24 of December 2015 and reopens January 2, 2016.
We close at 3 o’clock today. 7 December.
The Nordic House will close early today because of bad weather. Business as usual from tomorrow.
ART TALK -Red Snow
ART TALK – Red Snow- Ice in Motion. 15. November at. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Jon Proppe, art historian will lead discussions about the exhibition. The event will be held in Icelandic. Red Snow in the Nordic House
Streaming of Nordic literature nominees
Dear guests Here you can watch live streaming from our program introducing the Nordic Literature nominees : Streaming from Nordic literature nominees program
Closed October 29th from 09:00-15:00
Dear guests The Nordic house will be closed Thursday October 29th from 09:00-15:00 Kind regards The Nordic house
Streaming: Reykjavík Litterature Festival
Nordic Culture Point
The Culture and Art Programme is now open for applications. For further information or send your request to the Nordic house
Travel grants
Under 2015 utdelas anslag vid två tillfällen, dels under våren, dels under hösten. Ansökningarna skall insändas senast den 15 februari och senast den 15 september 2015. Poststämpelns datum gäller. Besked om utdelade anslag ges skriftligen i slutet av maj respektive i slutet av november 2015. Mer information findes her:
The Nordic House will be closed during public holiday on Sunday the 2nd of August and Monday the 3rd of August. We look forward in seeing you again on Tuesday August 4th.
People’s Meeting live
Watch the People’s Meeting in a live stream from the Nordic House auditorium. In collaboration with .
fundur – test
Velkomin Hér getur þú horft á í beinni.
Email failure
The Nordic House email service is temporarily down. Please send your requests to Thank you.
Summeropening at the Library
Juni – August: Mondays – Fridays: 10:00 – 17:00. Saturdays and Sundays: 12:00 – 17:00
We are hiring (75%)
We are looking for a new project manager for a full time position. Is that you?