The transformations between animal and human in the sagas
In the sea off the coast of Iceland, a whale is spotted with human eyes, and a horse is strangely conspired with its master. The relationship between animal and human in the sagas is close. Dangerously, witch crafted women can turn into animals in the Icelandic sagas and in the ancient sagas, the heroes can sometimes change and thereby gain magical power in battle. The supreme god, Odin, masters the art of transformation, he can, among other things, transform himself into a snake. The lecture dives into the tales of the sagas about animals, humans, and transformations: about holy pigs and horses, cursed cows and faithful dogs, about gods and humans turning into animals, and about animals possessed by deaths.
The lecture is by the award-winning translator, Annette Lassen, Research lecturer at the Árna Magnússonar Institute for Icelandic Studies, manuscript department.
The lecture is open to questions from participants.
Sono will be open for drinks and snacks.
The lecture begins at 7.30 pm and is related to our exhibition in Hvelfing Even a worm will turn.
Photo: Sigurður Stefán Jónsson.
Watch the recording here