The Shadow by H. C. Andersen – Family theatre



The Nordic House invites you to a performance for the whole family, The Shadow on the 15th of September.

The performance is shown two times on the 15th of September, at 13.00 and 15.00. The entrance is 500 kr and tickets can be purchased on, at the Nordic House or on Language: Icelandic. Recommended age group: 9 – 14-year-olds and their adults.


The Shadow is a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale of the same name (1847) performed by Ensemble Contemporánea, or Live Electronics Denmark. This performance focuses on identity in the world of the modern media. Music of clarinet and bass clarinet play the main role surrounded by text, electronic sounds and projections on a screen. Live classical music  is challenged by a laptop with intense beats and complex loops.

Bass Clarinet/Performer: Fritz Gerhard Berthelsen
Composer/Live Electronics: Ejnar Kanding
Adaption/Film: Niels Mikkelsen
Director/Design/Narration: Mia Theil Have
Translation and storytelling: Hugi Guðmundsson (with excerpts from the Icelandic translation by Steingrímur Thorsteinsson).

Ensemble Contemporànea, Live Electronics Denmark:



This project is in cooperation with List Fyrir Alla, The ministry of culture in Denmark and Ministry of foreign affairs of Danmark.


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