Surtsey Performance Lecture
The Norwegian-Icelandic performance production Surtsey (2020) kicks off in Reykjavik, with an open lecture-performance by prize-winning director Jon Tombre.
After his performance lecture, there will be discussions and the possibility of taking part in a creative workshop. The producers invite young writers (19+) to participate.
The lecture and workshop will be in English. Free entrance.
Surtsey is a multidisciplinary theatre production. The piece is under development and has estimated premiere in September 2020 at Haustscena (NO). It will be a site-specific, music-based piece for two soloists and possibly local choirs of adolescent people. The story: Two young people set out in a little boat from Heimaey. An underwater volcanic eruption changes their trip and ultimately how they look at themselves and each other. The themes circling around growing up, creating identity, transformations.The final (and multidisciplinary piece) will be produced in 2020, with shows in i.e. Ålesund (NO), Oslo (NO) and Reykjavik (IS).
The production is supported by Kulturrådet, Fond for Lyd og bilde, Dramatikkens hus and Dramatikerforbundet – NDF. Producers and core artistic team is Jon Tombre and Mette Karlsvik.
The performance-lecture
A performance lecture related to the themes of Surtsey theatre production: adolescence, transformations, and rhetorics of body and space.
Jon Tombre
Director (and for this project: coproducer) – twice winner of the Norwegian critic’s prize for theatre. Once the winner of the prestigious Hedda prize. Educated from Le Coque school in Paris (and took an MA in acting from Khio in Oslo this spring)
Mette Karlsvik
Author of 16 books and dramatist of three stages plays. Winner of Tarjei Vesaas debut Prize, and literary prizes like Stig Sæterbakken memorial Prize, Bokhandlerstipendet and Skardstipendet. Lived a year in Henrik Ibsen’s former home as a part of an artist residency (2012). Co-producer + dramatist for Surtsey production.