Airwaves off-venue: Nordic Piano Waves
Welcome to the off-venue Airwaves in the Nordic House with great Icelandic and Nordic musicians.
On Thursday a very talented group of composers will be playing and our Steinway grand piano will be the main focus and the tones will flow deep into the deepest hiding places.
Entrance is free and everyone is welcome!
Line up:
Kl. 16:00 – S.hel (IS)
Sævar Helgi Jóhannsson, a.k.a. S.hel is a rythmically and classically trained pianist, S.hel weaves together ambient soundscapes with influences from the thriving scene of neo-classical and electronic music.
Kl. 16:45 – Mikael Lind (SE)
Mikael Lind is a Swedish composer currently residing in Iceland. He has a master’s degree in digital music making and is a teacher of electronic music. He has also released many albums were he often explores the area between music and classical music. Sometime around new year’s, he will release a new album with Hoshiko Yamane, composer and violinist of the cult band Tangerine Dream.
Kl. 17:30- Gabríel Ólafs (IS)
The young pianist Gabríel Ólafs possesses an exceptional talent for telling a stirring symphonic story through instrumental music. His debut work, Absent Minded, expresses lost-in-thought moments, the daydreams, the imaginary worlds we create in our quietest hours.
Kl. 18:15 – Bláskjár (IS)
Bláskjár is a solo act by musician Dísa Hreiðarsdóttir. Bláskjár plays is a mix of neo-classical and electronic folk music, with a focus on telling stories and interpreting emotions.