Næstkomandi sunnudag hefjum við haustdagskrá Söguhrings kvenna með því að koma saman í gróðurhúsi Norræna hússins og fagna opnun sýningar á Paradísarfuglunum sem urðu til í smiðju söguhringsins á síðasta misseri. Þeir eru loksins komnir í sitt náttúrulega umhverfi í gróðurhúsinu. Við munum fagna saman og kynna dagskrána sem framundan er í Söguhring kvenna á þessu misseri.
Vegna Covid-19 faraldursins biðjum við ykkur staðfesta komu ykkar með því að skrá ykkur með nafni og netfangi HÉR. Hægt verður að ganga inn og út úr gróðurhúsinu.
Aðgangur er ókeypis.
Komið og fagnið þessum skrýtnu fuglum með okkur!
Hittið okkur við gróðurhúsið, Sæmundargötu 11, 102 Reykjavík, sunnudaginn 13. september, á milli 13:30-15:30.
W.O.M.E.N in Iceland was founded in 2003 by women of foreign origin living in Iceland who wanted to give immigrant women a voice and a just place in society. The organization aims to unite, express, and address the interests and issues of women of foreign origin in order to bring about their equality as women and as foreigners, in all areas of society.
W.O.M.E.N in Iceland has various projects aimed at empowering immigrant women and creating a safe space for them to express and discover themselves in their new society. The Women’s Story Circle is one of these projects. It is a cooperation between the Reykjavik City Library and W.O.M.E.N in Iceland. Women from all parts of society are invited to connect in a relaxed atmosphere through creativity and educational events. All women are welcome to join.
W.O.M.E.N is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that is run by volunteers and depends solely on grants and private support to continue their work. More information on the organization and its work can be found on our website, www.womeniniceland.is