“Hvernig ég komst í sprengjubyrgið” opnar í Litháen

The exhibition “How did I get to the bomb shelter” opened in Lithuania last week!

Our previous exhibition is currently on tour, and now it is located in Klaipeda, Lithuania. We are very excited and grateful for the collaboration, as well as the opportunity to continue to bring this important message out to people!

Hvernig ég komst í sprengjubyrgið er þverfagleg sýning sjö úkraínskra listamanna í Norræna húsinu, sýningarstjóri er Yulia Sapiha. Í sýningunni kafa listamennirnir djúpt ofan í eigin reynslu af stríðinu, þrána eftir friðsælu lífi, leiðina til þess að þrauka af og vonina um framtíðina.

Listamenn sýningarinnar eru: Kinder Album (b. 1982), Mykhaylo Barabash (b. 1980), Jaroslav Kostenko (b. 1989), Sergiy Petlyuk (b. 1981), Elena Subach (b. 1980), Art Group Sviter (b. 1982), Maxim Finogeev (b. 1989).