The Environmental Hero’s Workshop
A workshop with Umhverfishetjan The Environmental Hero.
Would you like to be an environmental hero?
Workshop for children 5-12 years. The workshop is in Icelandic.
All of us can be environmental heroes, which is why The Nordic House, The Environment Hero and Landvernd umhverfisverndarsamtök have joined forces in a super fun workshop.
Participation is free but you need to register in tix.is.
Earth is a wonderful place to live, but it is in urgent need of help from young superheroes. The environmental hero has worked hard lately and is now looking for aid and other superheroes to join.
At the workshop, children are given the opportunity to learn about the various issues and ways, they can use to better nurture the earth. After brief instruction, they choose the superpowers they want to possess and design their costume based on their superpower.
Everyone gets capes and material to create masks which they can decorate in collaboration with their parents or assistants.