Troubled Talk is an expanded discursive format and a part of the exhibition TIME MATTER REMAINS TROUBLE.
First TROUBLED TALK, Nature, can´t live with or without you, happens Sunday 19th of September in the Auditorium of the Nordic house.
Artists, scientists, activists, philosophers, people and animals of different age groups and backgrounds from society at large gather in a concentrated discursive situation. We create a space that virtually functions as a time capsule in order to engage in a communal discourse that attempts to capture the state of transdisciplinary, transcultural and transspecies thought manifested in this particiular given moment of time. The discourse has an open ended time limit. The coversation will follow strains of thought and lead us on to rhizomatic pathways. Some conclusive, some redundant, other inconclusive, some vocal, yet others may be reduced to silence. The conversation will be documented as a testament of time based communal discourse and collective thinking.
The event will be open for visitors and also streamed on the Nordic house website.
Thinkers, shakers and movers:
Fahim Amir, philosopher (AT/AFGH)
Alice Creischer,artist (DE)
Nabbteeri, artist (FI)
Anna Lindal, artist (IS)
Lise Lykke Steffensen, CEO NordGen (DK)
Anna Rún Tryggvadottir, artist (IS)
Varna, drum dancer (GL)
Bjarki Bragason, artist (IS)
Qudus Onikeku, dancer/community organiser (NG)
Marc Sinan, composer/musician (DE/TR)
Gunnhildur Einarsdottir, musician (IS)
Dimma, activist (IS)
Tinna Hallgrimsdottir, environmental activist (IS)
Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, professor of Geology/environmental scientist (IS)
Punktur, facilitator (IS/DE)
Perla Gísladottir, architect/activist (IS)
Matthias Engler, musician (DE)
Arnbjörg María Danielsen, art worker/enabler (IS)