Things for Aliens – Family Workshop

Children's Library
Free entry

A free workshop for the whole family where parents are encouraged to actively participate.

In the workshop, visitors will make clay objects and phenomena to help extraterrestrials understand life on Earth. The workshop is connected to the current art exhibition in the Nordic house: Growing Body of Evidence. At the exhibition, you can see works that reflect on the changes that climate disasters and the artificial intelligence revolution will bring. How will human history be recorded? What clues about our life on Earth will aliens and future generations have about life on Earth as it is now? How do we explain to them what went wrong?

Participants take on the role of archaeologists and document contemporary relics and wonder how aliens or future generations will read these relics. Participants can bring items from home for example any kitchen utilities with an interesting shape. The Nordic House’s art exhibitions are free and visitors are encouraged to view the exhibition in connection with the workshop.

The workshop is hosted by Berglindi Jóna Hlynsdóttir, visual artist. Berglind has been active in the international and national art scene for many years, worked as a photographer until 2003, completed her B.A. in visual art, Iceland University of the Arts and M.A. in Fine Art from the Valand School of Fine Art in 2010. She furthermore added a diploma in art pedagogy in 2020. She has worked as a organizer, lecturer and taught children and university students.

The workshop takes place in Icelandic, Portuguese and English.

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