THE GENERATION GAP: Peacekeeping in a New Era
What is peace? Is it something we must actively maintain, and how?
Until 2022, many of us who grew up in the Cold War era thought that armed conflicts in Europe were a thing of the past – something we only read about in the history books. Then the unthinkable happened; Russia begun an unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine, claiming the lives of thousands of civilians.
Young people in the Nordics are coming to terms with a new reality, a new world order, in the wake of the disasters of the war in Ukraine. What can we learn from our elders who experienced the Cold War and grew up with the constantly looming threat of a nuclear conflict? How can we keep the past in mind when working towards peace and peacekeeping?
Join the Nordic Youth Council as we gather to discuss peacekeeping in a new era. Welcome!
The participants
The Young Left Greens / UVG – Ung vinstri græn
Jósúa Gabríel Davíðsson
The Independence Party Youth Association / SUS – Ungir sjálfstæðismenn
Steinar Ingi Kolbeins
The Young Progressive Party / SUF – Samband ungra Framsóknarmanna
Berglind Sunna Bragadóttir
The Young Social Democrats / UJ – Ungt jafnaðarfólk
Gunnar Örn Stephensen
The Youth Movement Amnesty Iceland / Ungliðahreyfing Íslandsdeildar Amnesty
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