Seminar on the connection between language, identity and future vision of youth
The West Nordic Day – seminar
What is it like to work creatively with a language some think are threatened? How easy is it to be included in a west-Nordic linguistic community as an immigrant? Can computer games make it more fun to learn languages?
On the occasion of the West-Nordic day 2020, the Nordic House and Vigdís Finnabogadóttir Institute (HÍ) invite you to attend a seminar about the connection between language, identity, and visions of the future amongst the young. You can find our exciting program below.
The West-Nordic day is celebrated on the 23rd of September every year to heighten the collaboration and the sense of belonging between the three neighboring countries of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.
Due to the current rules and regulations about public gatherings, we can only allow a limited number of guests. You can register by clicking the button. The seminar is in Icelandic.
· Greetings from the West-Nordic Council – Guðjón S. Brjánsson, president of the West-Nordic Council
· Video greetings from young people in Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands
· Talerum the computer game and linguistic meetings in the West-Nordics – Auður Hauksdóttir, professor emerita in Danish at Háskóli Íslands
· Use Icelandic without hesitation – Kristinn Óli S. Haraldsson (Króli), artist
· Almannarómur and samrómur ungmenna – Jóhanna Vigdís Guðmundsdóttir, director for Almannarómur – center for linguistic technology
· Poetry about Icelandic – Fríða Ísberg, author and nominee to the Nordic Council Literary Award 2020
· To be an immigrant in Iceland: speculations about linguistic acquisition, identity and attitutdes – Stefanie Bade, PhD-student at Háskóli Íslands
· What do I have to say after four years in Iceland? – Gedvinas Švarnas Gedminas, 16 years old High School-student
Panel discussion
Performance by Jói P. and Króli
After the seminar, 18.30-19.00:
Concert in the library with the Faroese musician Janus Rasmussen, who this year is nominated to the Nordic Council Music Award for his album VÍN.