Sunday Story Time- In Norwegian an Icelandic
11.00- 11.30: Norwegian
14.00- 14.30: Icelandic
Welcome to Norwegian-Icelandic story time. We will dive into Tove Jansson´s world by reading about the moomintroll and his friends. There will also be a guided tour trough the Reading and writing with the moomins exhibition that is now showing in the children’s library and the children will be encouraged to make a drawing or a story about moomin and his friends.
We encouraged the guest to participate in a story competition by leaving a story or a drawing. We will announce the winner of the competition at a special story time event on the 5th of December. There will be fun activities and the winner will receive a magnificent moomin prize.
A story will be read from one of the moomin books in Norwegian at 11.00 and in Icelandic at 14.00, after the reading the visitors are welcome to stay an use the facilities of the house.
The storyteller for this Sunday is Matja Steen. She works as a physical therapist and in addition to this, she also has extensive experience with cultural work with children and has led children groups at the Nordic House for several years and has also been a leader at culture camps for children in Norway during the summer.