10+ Shorts for Children- Riff
Shorts for Children +10
1 October
Price:700 ISK
Language: Icelandic dubbing
Little Doll
Kate Dolan DEU 2016 / 14 min
Alex invites Elenore to a slumber party. Alex’s friends are not thrilled when Elenore shows up. There’s some kind of special connection between the two of them. How will Alex act when the other girls notice?
Giovanni and the Water Ballet
10-year-old Giovanni dreams of becoming the first boy to participate in the Dutch synchronized swimming championships. But it’s not easy when you’re padded with a few extra kilos and have to keep track of your girlfriend.
The Marathon Diary
Hanne Berkaak NOR 2015 / 8 min
Always Last always embarks on an adventurous marathon through the mythic landscape of Lapland. But the run is not going to be a straight line between start and finish. Grotesque events, unforeseen temptations and cheerful absurdities keep driving her off the course.
On the Roof
Damià Serra Cauchetiez DEU 2015 / 11 min
Every day five boys climb to the top of a roof to stare at the house next door. Like clockwork, a woman appears, removes her clothes and sunbathes in the nude. But one day something is different. A naked man seeks relief from the heat and one of the boys can’t keep his eyes off of him.
Classmates: Sweethearts
Ulla Soe DNK 2014 / 19 min
In the fifth grade it’s still a little embarrassing to be boyfriend, girlfriend. The couple Mie and Magnus decided to be open about it, because the others were going to find out anyway. When they stop going out, it becomes difficult to talk to each other. Will it be better in the sixth grade?
Children of the River
Javier Macipe PRT 2014 / 14 min
In the Portuguese city of Oporto, the children prove their courage by jumping into the river from the high bridge that divides the city in two. Leo has never taken the jump, but he’s tired of all the others thinking he is a coward.