Sustainable Chairs
Nordic Design Competition
Last autumn, a competition for sustainable chairs was launched in the Nordic region. The goal was to raise awareness of sustainable design and to encourage design thinking in the climate debate. The five winner chairs can be seen at The Nordic House.
Last autumn, The Nordic Council of Ministers’ international branding project, The Nordics, has together with the national design associations held a competition for sustainable chairs. The goal was to raise awareness of sustainable design and to encourage design thinking in the climate debate during the UN Climate Summit in December.
A Nordic jury selected five winner chairs, which were then displayed for two weeks at the UN Climate Summit (COP24). Guests were invited to vote for the ‘People’s Choice’ award, and the winner was revealed at the summit. The winner chair from each Nordic country (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) will be presented at The Nordic House during DesignMarch.
The national design associations are the Danish Design Centre, DOGA, Iceland Design Centre, Ornamo in Finland and Swedish Form.