Sustainable Houses in an Arctic Climate


A WORLD FULL of buildings. Just about everybody in the world lives in some kind of dwelling and also works or is educated indoors. In creating these buildings, someone needs to have a vision of the features in terms of design, sustainability, and durability. That someone is to a large extent the architect. This book and presentation provides examples of what a number of architects have done to create sustainable architectural qualities, characterized by functional and practical

Interactions with the durable, all of it in the colder climates of the Northern Hemisphere. The presentation is intended to be an inspiration for anyone interested in sustainable housing. Please note that the event takes place in Scandinavian languages.


ULF NORDWALL, living in Umeå, raised in Örnsköldsvik. He graduated in 1994 with an architectural degree from Chalmers University of Technology. After a time as an architect, he gained an industrial PhD at Chalmers University of Technology and then attended the School of Architecture at Umeå University, where he graduated in 2012 with a technical licentiate degree with a dissertation on architectural qualities in housing. Now he is working on project development within Peab’s construction industry. He has written the booksLänge leve husen, Hållbara hus i ett kallt klimat, Smed and a number of scientific articles.


Lectures by:

ULF NORDWALL, Peab – Nordens Samhällsbyggare
SIGURÐUR EINARSSON, Batteríið Architects

Introduction by:

The event is in English and is organized by The Nordic Region in Focus programme. Entrance is free of charge

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