Seminar on translation of children’s and young people’s literature
Seminar on translation of children’s and young people’s literature
The translator network that will meet in Reykjavik in November consists of translators from all the Nordic areas, who translate into Nordic languages. The common denominator for the translators is that they translate children’s and young people’s literature in addition to adult literature.
Translations for children and young people is an area that has not received the attention it deserves. Therefore Norwegian Cecilie Winger and Faroese Jákup Sørensen took the initiative for this network in 2017. This will be the first physical meeting of the translator network since before the pandemic.
Nordic translators of children’s and young people’s literature will meet in Reykjavik on Friday 19th of November.
The seminar is open to anyone who is interested in Nordic languages, translation, and children’s and young people’s literature. We follow the infection control rules and the public must wear a face mask.
Here is the program:
13:00-13: 15 Welcome and introduction of the network
13:15-13: 35 Sofie Hermansen Eriksdatter: The creative cycle.
13:35-13:55 Cecilie Winger: Synliggjøring necesse est: 20-minute crash course in profiling the translation.
(5 minute break)
14: 00-14: 30 John Swedenmark in conversation with Elín Edda Pálsdóttir. About translating picture books and Alfons Åberg in particular.
14:30-1450 Icelandic translators and interpreters, represented by Guðrún Emils
14:50-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-15:30 Øyvind Vågen: Noa-names in Nordic picture books now and then
15:30-16:00 – Panel discussion: Can anybody translate? With author Gerður Kristný, translator Helena Hansson and publisher Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson.
16:00-17:00 Reception in the library.
The seminar has received support from Nordisk Kulturkontakt, Landsbankinn and Islit. Collaborating partner is the The Nordic House library.