Seminar: Nature-based solutions
What are nature-based solutions? Why are they important and how do they relate to climate change, biodiversity and human welfare?
The Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland and the Nordic House will be hosting the event series “In line with Nature: Nature-based Solutions and their Effects in a Wider Context”. The purpose of the event series is to facilitate a conversation about their impacts and benefits in a wider context.
Nature-based solutions are among the most effective tools we have in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. And, what’s more, they do not only support the environment – they can also generate social, economic, and cultural value.
The Nordic Council of Ministers is currently placing a special emphasis on nature-based solutions, which is also the theme of the Nordic Council Environment Prize in 2022.
The program of the opening event will include keynote-speeches focused on nature-based solutions in terrestrial and marine environments, along with shorter presentations about nature-based solutions in the contexts of culture, human health and welfare, economics and governance.
Reserve the date! A more detailed program will be announced shortly. The event will take place in the Nordic house, on the 12th of May from 16.00 – 18.00 and via live stream.
Light refreshments from SÓNÓ Matseljur will be served after the event.