Samtal um ólöglegt eftirlit & danssýning
15:00 - 17:00
Discussion about illegal surveillance and work-in-progress performance of Encryption
Encryption is an interdisciplinary dance performance inspired by issues surrounding illegal surveillance, whistleblowers and the human relationship to technology. There will be a work-in-progress excerpt from the performance Encryption followed by a panel
discussion, which builds off of the themes of the performance.
The discussion will be moderated by Alexander Roberts (IS) with participants Lars Ramkilde Knudsen (DK) – researcher
specializing in Cryptography, Birgitta Jonsdottir (IS) – Politician & chairman for IMMI (International Modern Media Initiative), Steinunn Ketilsdóttir (IS) – Choreographer / Dancer.
The event is open to the public and hosted by Tony Tran and Andreas Daugstad Leonardsen (NO), in collaboration with Nordic House Reykjavik, support by the Nordic Culture Fund.
The event is part of the ongoing research and production of Encryption, which premieres during Oslo International Theater Festival 2018.
The panel discussion will be in English, free entrance!