Nana-Francisca Schottländer (DK), Katie Paterson (UK), Marte Aas (NO), Rita Marhaug (NO), Anna Líndal (IS) og Rúrí (IS).
The exhibition is curated by Ruth Hege Halstensen who is a Norwegian curator, art historian and former director of Trafo Kunsthall in Asker. She has been associated with the Master’s program Art in Society at the Oslo Metropolitan University, OsloMet. Halstensen contributes as a critic for Klassekampen, Empirix, Numer, Barnebokkritikk and Periskop.
The exhibition is a part of the Reykjavík Art Festival program 2024.
Acessibilty to the Nordic House is temporarily restricted due to renovations outside. A ramp leads up to the main entrance of the building and from there an elevator goes down to Hvelfing, but at the moment the ramp is restricted by the construction site. There is also a staircase leading to the exhibition space outside. Accessible and gender neutral restrooms are on the mainfloor. Entrance to exhibitions in the Nordic House is always free. More Information: kolbrun@nordichouse.is