Seminar and masterclass with Sigyn Fossnes – Harpa International Music Academy
Harpa International Music Academy / Alþjóðlega tónlistarakademían í Hörpu
Sigyn Fossnes: Teaching Talent
Seminar and masterclass. Free entrance!
Sigyn Fossnes is a prize-winning Norwegian violinist. She has broad experience as a teacher and specializes in teaching young talents at the renowned Barratt-Due Music Institute of Music in Oslo. Many of her students have won awards at international competitions. In this masterclass, Sigyn Fossnes instructs participants of the Harpa International Music Academy and gives them an insight to how to prepare themselves for music studies at the university level. The class is called Teaching Talent: What does the student need to know before entering bachelor.
For further information on the Harpa International Music Academy 2018, visit www.musicacademy.is