Meet the author: Peter Adolphsen
We are proud to present a Danish literature night in the Nordic House auditorium on the 20th of March at 19:00, in collaboration with Háskóla Íslands. Meet Peter Adolphsen in conversation with Jacob Ölgaard Nyboe, as they expands Adolphsen’s multifaceted authorship and also lifts the veil on the upcoming novel ‘Ellepigen Pif og 42, den tavse guru’, which mixes carnivalistic fantasy and autobiographical realism.
This conversation will be in Danish.
Peter Adolphsen (b. 1972) made his debut in 1996 with ‘Små historier’, which was followed four years later by ‘Små historier 2′ (2000). In 2020, another sequel was published: Små historier 3, which, like the first two, is written in short prose. He graduated from the Writers’ School in 1995, where he was employed as a teacher in the years 2008-2010. In 2019, he was awarded the Art Foundation’s Lifetime Honorary Award for his experimental fictional prose as well as his children’s picture books.

The conversation will be led by Jacob Ølgaard Nyboe, Ph.D. in Danish Literature. Jacob works as an Assistant Professor at the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Languages and Cultures.
In collaboration with:
Meet-the-author is a recurring literature series hosted by the Nordic House, where one or several authors, in conversation with a literary expert in a Scandinavian language, unfold their authorship and literary work. The audience is welcome to ask questions at the end of the talks.
Accessibility to Elissa (auditorium) is good. Accessible and gender neutral restrooms are on the same floor.