Live opera theater & talk w. Alan Gilbert and N. Koppel
14:00 - 16:30
The auditorium in the Nordic House will August 24th live transmit Britten’s monumental opera ‘Noye’s Fludde’ with 250 contributors from Berwaldhallen in Stockholm.
The Nordic House will August 24th and 25th live transmit from The Baltic Sea Festival, both transmissions will be shown in English in The Nordic House’s auditorium with free entrance.
August 24th in Icelandic time
14:00 – 14:45 – Talks from The Black Diamand (The Royal Library) Copenhagen, DK
15:00 – 16:30 – Concert from Berwaldhallen, Benjamin Britten’s Opera “Noyes Fludde” about the Biblical flood. with children, adults, professionals and amateur musicians. Please notice that the concert will start with some exercises together with the audience, where the audience participates in the concert! It’s part of the concert!
About the Baltic Sea Festival
The annual Baltic Sea Festival for classical music wants to create a better environment and a brighter future for the Baltic Sea region.
The Baltic Sea Festival is an international music festival that was founded in 2003 with the aim of using the platform of classical music to invite stakeholders to cross-border conversations about creating a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea region.
Program of the day
The first day of the Baltic Sea Festival revolves around art, the power of water, and the role of man.
Noye’s Fludde, Benjamin Britten’s Opera about the Biblical Flood with children, adults, professionals and amateur musicians. Here, we unite children and adults, professional and amateur musicians, in a beloved dramatization of the Bible’s story about Noah who saves people and animals from a great natural disaster.
Before the opera begins, there will be a live transmission from the Black Diamand which is the Royal Library in Copenhagen Denmark,with star conductor Alan Gilbert and Nikolaj Koppel.
Talks of the day
Alan Gilbert is the chief conductor of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, violinist and former music director of The New York Philharmonie. The internationally recognized orchestra leader, American Alan Gilbert is invited to a conversation with Nikolaj Koppel which is an entrepreneur, pianist, former chief for P2, which is the classical radio channel at Denmark’s radio, assistant director and music director at Tivoli in Copenhagen.
The two musicians will be talking about the art to interpret and open up the classics. How do you make the old masterpieces attractive to a modern audience? Gilbert, along with The New York Philharmonic, has among others created renewed international interest in Carl Nielsen’s music. Nielsen’s compositions play an important role in The Royal Library’s music collection. Koppel has during his time as a pianist also interpreted Carl Nielsen and as music director worked with the iconic classics.
The two international music profiles will also be talking about The Baltic Sea Festival and the festival’s focus on sustainability and environmental awareness. Can music and culture raise awareness of the most pressing issues of our time? How do the two artists relate specifically to these contemporary problems? Can we save the Baltic Sea through the emotional power and collaboration of music across borders?
More information can be found in the links below: