Classics in the Moorland-Knock on the door
Classics in the Moorland
Knock on the door, The Wunderhorn trio, Sesselja Kristjánsdóttir mezzo-soprano, Ágúst Ólafsson baritone and Eva Þyrí Hilmarsdóttir piano, perform songs and duets by Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Gustav Mahler and Antonin Dvorák.
Admission fee is ISK 2500, ISK 1500 for senior citizens and disabled; free for students, 25 years old and younger. Tickets are available at the entrance.
About the 2015 concert series
The concert series Klassík í Vatnsmýrinni is organised in collaboration between the Icelandic Soloist Society and the Nordic House. The aim of the series is to give the audience a chance to hear performances by the very best among Icelandic classical musicians, as well as guests from abroad, in solo concerts, recitals and chamber music. There is an emphasis on Nordic and international cooperation and of the five concerts taking place in the season 2016 – 2017, two are with artists from abroad and three with Icelandic musicians.
October 25: Concert Centennaire, Judith Ingolfsson, violin and pianist Vladimir Stoupel, visitors from Berlin, perform music by Gabriel Fauré, Louis Vierne and Rudi Stephan.
November 15: Knock on the door, The Wunderhorn trio, Sesselja Kristjánsdóttir mezzo-soprano, Ágúst Ólafsson baritone and Eva Þyrí Hilmarsdóttir piano, perform songs and duets by Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Gustav Mahler and Antonin Dvorák
February 21: La belle Jardinière, Trio Sírajón, Laufey Sigurðardóttir, violin, Einar Jóhannesson, clarinet and Anna Áslaug Ragnarsdóttir, piano, perform works by Charles Ives, Gian Carlo Menotti, Dimitri Schostakovitsch, Aram Khachaturian and Jónas Tómasson.
March 21: Live in the now, live in eternity, Helga Rós Indriðadóttir soprano and Gudrún Dalía Salómonsdóttir, piano, perform songs by Victor Ullmann, Arnold Schönberg and Alexander von Zemlinsky.
April 25: Toward new sounds Martin Gonshorek, flute and pianist Stefan Matthewes from Hamburg, perform works by César Franck, Claude Debussy and Sergej Prokoffiev.