Katarina Chamber Choir- Free concert


Katarina Chamber Choir in Iceland, 24 – 28 May 2017


Last time Ireland, now Iceland. The famous Katarina Chamber Choir from Stockholm, led by its conductor Hans Vainikainen, is continuing a tradition of shedding light on the intertwined musical traditions from countries around the Baltic and Nordic seas.

Since the Choir was founded in 1991, we have been guided by our passion for performing music that gives the listener, as well as the singer, an experience out of the ordinary. Our openness to all genres and time periods gives us all something of remaining value; Bach, Pärt, Prince, Thorvaldsdottir… the list is long indeed! We cherish more than anything the joy of exploring the essences of the simple and the complicated, the beautiful and the not so beautiful. And of course to share it all with you!

Welcome to join us in our concerts! Free entrance at The Nordic House


May 25th

11 am Morning Service, Dómkirkjan, Reykjavík, Kirkustræti 101
08 pm Concert Norræna Húsið, Sæmundargata 11, Reykjavík

May 26th

06.00 pm Concert Víkur-kirkja, Mýrdal

May 28th
11.00 am Morning Service, Hallgrímskirkja, Hallgrímstorg 101, Reykjavík
12.00 pm (approx) Concert in Hallgrímskirkja (directly after the Morning service)

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