Just talk! – Workshop // Naasuliardarpi
In the bookclub for youth Just read! we have spent November reading the Nordic Council Literature Prize winner of 2021, Naasuliardarpi by Nivaq Korneliussen. We will finish off the book with our final workshop Just talk!, the 25th of November at 5pm.
Even if you have just started reading or have reed the whole book everyone is welcome to join. There will be space to exchange thoughts and experiences about the book, readings and materials for those who would like to express themselves visually. We encourage you to bring a quote or anything that caught your attention to share with the group.
The workshop will be held in Aino, a cozy little room at the Nordic House, and we aim for having a relaxed and open atmosphere, where there are no right or wrong interpretations. We will also be serving cake, coffee and snacks!
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Message emma@nordichouse.is with your name and age if you want to join the workshop.