Christmas Calendar – Livestream
Welcome to our annual Christmas Calendar an daily event from 1.-23. Decemeber at 12.34.
The Christmas calendar in the Nordic House in Reykjavik takes place daily in the Black Box in December until Christmas. Every day a new window will be opened , followed by a performance by the artist or artists of the day.
The first window of the calendar will be opened on December 1, and the audience will then get to know about the performance of the day. The participating artists this year are among Reykjavík’s best, but the order in which they perform will not be disclosed. Therefore, it is always going to be exciting to open a new window. Guests will for instance see and hear music, dance, reading, performance, yoga, or a game that the audience participates in. Before every performance the House offers the audience some non-alcoholic mulled wine and gingerbread.
All events take place at 12.34 in The Black Box, on the lower floor in The Nordic house 1.-23 December
The creator of this year’s calendar is the artist and singer in Fm Belfast Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttir.
Here you can watch the Christmas Calendar on livestream.
Participating artists. 2015: the order in which they perform is kept a secret until they step on stage.
Teitur Magnússon, Hið Íslenska gítartríó, Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir, Jófríður Ákadóttir, Lára Rúnars, Árstíðir, Dalí, Jazztríó Andrésar Thors, Bollywood dans, “This conversation is missing a point”, Ævar vísindamaður, Úlfur Úlfur, Snjólaug Lúðvíksdóttir, Kór Kársnesskóla, Ísgerður Gunnarsdóttir, Jóga og eplaskífur, Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, Sigríður Eyrún and Karl Olgeirsson, Kriðpleir, Milkywhale, Skuggamyndir frá Býsans, Leitin að tilgangi unglingsáranna, Edda Björg and Stefán Magnússon.