In the Darkness Everything Went All Black – Two Performances
13.00 / 16.00
In the Darkness, Everything Went All Black is set in darkness, in another world perhaps. It’s a place where something or someone is hiding in the dark. There are also other traces of life there, two persons are desperately trying to struggle with the situation they are put in, hoping to find a way towards the freedom and the light. In the Darkness, Everything Went All Black is an opera experience that investigates the sensory features of blindness. Do we listen more actively when we can’t see? How do we perceive sound in the dark?
The opera is written for two singers and live electronics and performed in English. In the Darkness, Everything went All Black is a collaboration between Operation Opera and Teatr Weimar. Operation Opera produces music theatre and opera in Halmstad and is supported by Kultur Halland and Kulturförvaltningen in Halmstad. Teatr Weimar is supported by the Swedish Arts Council and Malmö Stad. The performance is documented with support from Stiftelsen Scenkonstens Historia in Gothenburg.
Concept by:
Hedvig Jalhed, Mattias Rylander, Jörgen Dahlqvist, Kent Olofsson, and Agnes Wästfelt
Text by:
Jörgen Dahlqvist
Music by: Kent Olofsson
Set design by: Mattias Rylander
Performed by:
Hedvig Jalhed (soprano), Agnes Wästfelt (soprano), and Kent Olofsson (live-electronics)
The professional opéra nouveau company Operation Opera is emerging as one of the most radical chamber opera companies in Sweden with its distinct artistic profile, which focuses mainly on experimentation with ludic elements in immersive chamber opera productions and concepts.
Operation Opera develop operatic formats and avant-garde productions in Halmstad since 2010. The ensemble’s most acclaimed production is the conceptual Anfasia-Chronicle, inspired by live-action role playing. It has been played as a series over a period of seven years both in Halland and on a national tour, most often in abandoned industrial and institutional rooms with a sense of urban exploring.
Operation Opera is a meeting place where professional artists and highly skilled and renowned musicians from all over Sweden each year work with innovative musical drama and experimental concert events in chamber size. One goal is to liberate both the artists and the audience from the mannerisms and the clichés of the trad opera to create an open and allowing artistic process, which stimulates creativity and experiments. Operation Opera is searching for new theatrical and musical combinations which can contribute to development and reformation instead of stagnation in a dramatic genre weighed down by cultural heritage.