The Idealist / Nordic Film Festival
The Idealist
Christina Rosendahl/ DK/ 2015/ 1h 54 min/ Thriller/ 9 years
A whistleblower attempts to reveal the secret behind a nuclear disaster that occurred during the height of the Cold War.
January 21st 1968 – An American B-52 bomber carrying nuclear warheads has just crashed on the polar ice near the US military Air Base in Danish controlled Thule, Greenland. A few days later, responsible governments classify the crash as a Broken Arrow scenario (nuclear accident) but proclaims the situation being under control. No cause for concern in relation to radioactive contamination or violation of foreign power’s sovereignty, nuclear policy. Hundreds of Thule workers are set to work, helping in the gigantic clean-up operation. After eight months, all traces of the crashed aircraft and the plutonium-contaminated snow are gone. The case is closed. 18 years on, while covering a local workers compensation story, reporter Poul Brink, suddenly runs into suspicious circumstance linking back to the concealed ’68 nuclear accident. Apparently the full and true story about the crash lays well-protected deep under the Thule Bay’s ice cap and deep down the classified archives in the US.
Based on the novel “Thule-sagen – Løgnens univers” by Poul Brink
Language: Danish/ Subtitles: English
Reserve free tickets: www.tix.is If the screening is not fully booked, tickets will be available by the door.
Nordic Film Festival
The Nordic Film Festival is a yearly event, and this is the fourth edition at the Nordic House in Reykjavik. The festival runs the period 13th – 20th April 2016 and we screen selected Nordic films in all genres, with English subtitles. The Nordic Film Festival is a collaboration between the Nordic House, Embassy of Denmark, Finnish Embassy, Norwegian Embassy and Embassy of Sweden in Reykjavik, Iceland. Local partners are Aalto Bistro and Bio Paradis.