Meet the Author- Katarina Frostenson
Katarina Frostenson has since long been part of the most respected poets in the Nordic countries and has received many significant prizes for her works. Since 1992, she has been a member of the Swedish Academy, which annually elects the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Katarina Frostenson will be our guest at a special edition of the Meet the Author series in the Nordic House on Monday 5 December at 7.30 p.m., when she will be interviewed by Icelandic writer and translator Þórdís Gísladóttir.
The evening will be held in Swedish.
Free entrance.
Since the autumn of 2015, the Nordic House has organized monthly Meet the Author evenings with exciting and relevant Nordic writers. Our goal is to present a wide variety of interesting writers whom we invite to talk about their books and authorship. The writers are interviewed in one of the Scandinavian languages by a well-grounded and skilfull moderator and they answer questions from eager and well-read readers and literature lovers in the audience.
During the break, refreshments are available from AALTO Bistro, the restaurant at the Nordic House, and many visitors choose to have dinner at the restaurant prior to the event.