Free entry
Welcome to the exhibition “Feathers”, made by pupils at Fellaskóli in Reykjavik!
Elevenes kunst i form av tegninger, dikt og Haiku er hengt opp på veggene i Nordens hus. Kunsten er laget i forbindelse med billedkunstens dag, som var den 13. mars. Utstillingen er fylt av flotte farger og fine dikt. Gjestene våre kan få gleden av utstillingen til over påske! Velkommen!
The pupils have made artwork, poems, and haiku, and their works are now ready for the audience. The art was made for the Visual Arts Day, which was on March 13. The exhibition is filled with beautiful colors and fine poems. Our guests can enjoy the exhibition until end of Easter! Welcome!
The works are made with art teachers Greta S. Guðmundsdóttir and Magnea Þ. Ingvarsdóttir.
Accessibility is good in the atrium and on the same floor there is an accessible and genderneutral restrooms.