Family workshop: Latvian Christmas Decorations
13:00 - 15:00
What are the similarities between Latvian and Icelandic Christmas decorations? We will make beautiful decorations together and enjoy cookies and music.
The Latvian School in Reykjavik in co-operation with the Nordic house invite families to take part in traditional Latvian Christmas decoration workshop on 3. advent Sunday, 17th of December, 1-3 pm. Typical materials for traditional decorations are all natural. Guests are offered to make candles out of beeswax and indoor decorations called PUZURS. Puzuri are used to decorate ceiling and windows and symbolize the universe. Playing games with song and dance will be part of the event as well as a traditional Latvian Christmas dish – grey peas with bacon.
Free entrance and everyone is welcome!
Trešajā adventes svētdienā, 17. decembrī, plkst. 13-15 ikviens un jo īpaši ģimenes ar bērniem ir aicināti uz latviešu tradicionālo Ziemassvētku rotājumu darbnīcu, ko sadarbībā ar Ziemeļu māju piedāvā Reikjavīkas Latviešu skola. Norises vieta – Norræna húsið, Sæmundargata 11, 101 Reykjavík. Kopā veidosim puzurus un bišu vaska sveces, dziedāsim dziesmas un iesim rotaļās. Visi dabūs nogaršot tradicionālu latviešu Ziemassvētku ēdienu – pelēkos zirņus ar speķi. Uz tikšanos!
Accessibility: All restrooms are gender neutral. The children’s library is accessible for wheelchairs via the Hvelfing exhibition hall and the library personel can be of asstance if needed.