Meet the Author: Einar Már Guðmundsson
I pausen och före evenemanget finns det möjlighet att köpa förfriskningar på Aalto Bistro. Nordens hus bibliotek är öppet för alla. På biblioteket finns skön- och facklitteratur, barnböcker, dvd-filmer, tidskrifter, dagstidningar och nordisk grafik. Bibliotekets samlingar omfattar verk på alla sju nordiska språk, förutom isländska.
Einar Már Gudmundsson (1954) is one of the leading writers of his generation in Iceland.
His first books, a collection of poetry, were published in 1980, but he is also known as a novelist. For his book Angels of the Universe (1993) the author received the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 1995. In 2012 Einar Már was awarded the Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize for his contribution to literature. His books have been translated into many languages.
Einar Már has written novels, short stories and poetry, and attracted widespread attention in the bank crash’s aftermath for his writings on societal issues. His latest book Hundadagar („Dogdays“) is due to be released this autumn.