Calm – a Family Workshop

15.08.2020 Cancelled

Calm – a Family Workshop in connection with The Children’s Culture Festival in Reykjavik

A calming workshop at The Nordic House where the participants are led through a relaxing meditation in an enchanting environment.

During The Children’s Culture Festival, we are exposed to music, theatre and fun activities. During all this action, Eva Rún Þorgeirsdóttir and Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir offer families a calming workshop in The Nordic House. There, a space will be decorated to capture the spirit of Eva’s and Bergrún’s book, Ró (e. Calm, published 2019). Participants in the workshop are led through a relaxing meditation in the enchanting environment as well as given the chance to create their very own mystical creature from beautiful materials. The workshop in the Nordic House auditorium and Alvar room is suited to families with children 5 years and older.

Registration is required and shall be sent to

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