May 25th – October 22 | Daily 11:00 – 17:00 / Wednesdays 11:00 – 21:00 | Exhibition |
600/ 300 ISK / Free admission for children under 18 and senior citizens 67+
NEW: Entrance is free on Wednesdays.
We are proud to present THE CITY BEING, this year’s main exhibition at the Nordic House. THE CITY BEING explores various aspects of our modern cities, with contemporary Reykjavik as the main point of reference. A selection of works by contemporary artists and designers are put in dialogue with retrospective elements, tracing the imagining and making of the city across time.
Natural, mechanical and social systems in the city are examined and in the exhibition’s urban living room, you can, for example, see how Reykjavik has been depicted in Icelandic music videos and browse through books about the city and urban planning. THE CITY BEING gives a poetic view on how we make the city and how the city makes us.
THE CITY BEING will be on display until autumn and there will be a special program of events related to the exhibition. The exhibition is curated by architect Anna María Bogadóttir. Partners for the project are the City of Reykjavik, Iceland Academy of the Arts, the Icelandic National Planning Agency and Nordic Built Cities / Nordic Innovation.
Arkibúllan (IS)
Bêka & Lemoine (FR/IT)
Einar Þorsteinn Ásgeirsson (IS)
Hildur Bjarnadóttir (IS)
Hreinn Friðfinnsson (IS)
Jan Gehl (DK)
Jón Þorláksson (IS)
Krads arkitektar (IS/DK)
Ragnar Kjartansson (IS)
Sigrún Thorlacius (IS)
Sigurður Guðmundsson (IS)
Úti og inni arkitektar (IS)
Þórunn Árnadóttir (IS)